New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

Thanks Star
You're doing great! Sometimes you'll find a mutant among your plants. It happens. Just let her grow :-D glad you started a journal! I'll be keeping an eye on your grow! :slap:
Thanks Starbreaker ! I've been super paranoid about these 1st time plants. My brother came by and he thinks I'm crazy over them. I was showing them to him and his big ass farted in the room. The shit immediately pissed me me off. "Get the fuck outta this room tainting my babies with your stank ass!" . Lmao
Thanks Star

Thanks Starbreaker ! I've been super paranoid about these 1st time plants. My brother came by and he thinks I'm crazy over them. I was showing them to him and his big ass farted in the room. The shit immediately pissed me me off. "Get the fuck outta this room tainting my babies with your stank ass!" . Lmao
Don't worry.... they will makes more stank, so enjoy your brothers fart
Thanks Star

Thanks Starbreaker ! I've been super paranoid about these 1st time plants. My brother came by and he thinks I'm crazy over them. I was showing them to him and his big ass farted in the room. The shit immediately pissed me me off. "Get the fuck outta this room tainting my babies with your stank ass!" . Lmao
Rofl! I think we are all very protective over our canna babies! Lol nobody goes near my canna babies period!
I just watered my girls and 1 of them has very small, white or tan bugs that I saw running in the soil as the water hit the dirt. Every one that I saw (4 ) I squished. I moved around the top layer looking for more but didn't see any. They were only in one plant. Any idea what they are and how to get rid of them? @XxxAuto @Starbreaker @Vlad The Inhaler
I just watered my girls and 1 of them has very small, white or tan bugs that I saw running in the soil as the water hit the dirt. Every one that I saw (4 ) I squished. I moved around the top layer looking for more but didn't see any. They were only in one plant. Any idea what they are and how to get rid of them? @XxxAuto @Starbreaker @Vlad The Inhaler

We need to I.D. them first before taking action. Can you get some sticky traps to catch a few?

Also are there any on the leaves? (Usually underneath)
White? Did they have wings? If so, possibly gnats. I hate those bastards! Lol you'll need bright yellow sticky traps for pests so you'll know if you get them and be able to identify them! I always keep them in my grow room.
White? Did they have wings? If so, possibly gnats. I hate those bastards! Lol you'll need bright yellow sticky traps for pests so you'll know if you get them and be able to identify them! I always keep them in my grow room.
No they werent gnats. I put sand down and put sticky paper around so I havent seen any of those since the 1st couple days. These bugs had no wings. The last one I killed was running down into the wet sand as I moved it around.