New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

Thanks for the support everyone ! I appreciate it greatly. I'll try to be patient with my one spinach plant and see how it turns out. It may look like a plant someone balled up and threw into a pot but it smells great. The only one smelling so far. Also thanks for the rep @hecno @SouthernGurl :woohoo:
Well quick update of Deep Blue C and Chemdoggin. My timer broke on Wednesday so I've switched from 20-4 to a 24-0 light cycle. In just those 4 days theres been crazy growth from these 2 ! DBC is now 11 inches and CD is at 9 inches. Both show numerous bud sites now. Atleast 8 on each plant. I'm not sure if this is due to the LST I've been doing, the switch to 24-0, or both. I've now pulled all of the side branches out to get more light and they seem to love it though.
DBC day 31
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GROW828 002.jpg

Chemdoggin Day 27
GROW828 003.jpg

GROW828 004.jpg

The Sour bubblin crack and Chem bubbly are so sad and pathetic that I'm not even wasting time taking pics of them anymore. I'll just be patient and hope that they come around. If so, I'll go back to taking pics of them again also.
Those 2 have serious issues man. Especially the SBC, which is the oldest plant along with the DBC. Under 4 inches tall at day 32 smdh. I actually don't think they're growing anymore. If they ever do flower and bud I may grow enough from the 2 of em to make 1 roach. :nono: I'll take a pic after I eat breakfast and let you see.
Those 2 have serious issues man. Especially the SBC, which is the oldest plant along with the DBC. Under 4 inches tall at day 32 smdh. I actually don't think they're growing anymore. If they ever do flower and bud I may grow enough from the 2 of em to make 1 roach. :nono: I'll take a pic after I eat breakfast and let you see.

Well, if you are content with that....
Maybe someone can offer some advice to light a fire under their ass.
Personally, I yell at them for under performing. Right @derek420colorado
No I'm not really content with it, but everyone keeps saying don't give up and pull them so I'm just accepting the possibility of them both being a failure. I have no idea what I can do to give them some type of boost.
I'll pull them out and take a pic real quick. I bought some of that fox farms grow big, but I was told that using some nutes to boost them a bit would be bad since I'm using that organic super soil mix in the bottom.
So here they are @Yeatster. The CB looks the best of the 2 and it's the youngest at 22 days. 0 bud sites.


And Sour Bubblin Crack at day 32 ( the same age as Deep Blue C) with 0 bud sites and 0 pistils looking as pitiful as it can possibly be. I'll add a pick of DBC for comparison


And heres DBC at 1 day younger now
GROW828 001.jpg

GROW828 002.jpg


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Ya know, I don't think they are all that bad. Sure, it could be better. They could be MUCH worse. Still very healthy looking!

The plus side, imo, is that they haven't started preflowers. If it were to start budding now, I'd be worried they will stay quite small.

Although I don't think you'll be breaking any records, this is your first grow. Give yourself a pat on the back. You are doing great.
I'm really interested to see what happens in the next week or so.
Keep posting pics of all, when updating.

And have some reps.
One thing I notice is the fan leaves are very bubbly. From what I have read and experienced it is because they are filled with water. I don't see over watering an issue but I would let them dry out really good. If it is a lack of root mass, that should help.

Again, I don't know all that much. Just trying to advise as best I can
