New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

Thanks for the rep @Yeatster ! I had watered all 4 before I pulled them out for those pics. I'd been watering every 3 days before but I'll go ahead and give the misfits a couple extra days this next cycle and see if that helps any. By then they'll be a month old so pulling them at that point wouldn't really make sense anyway. So I'll just accept whatever I can get from them. I'm really optimistic about the DBC and CD though. I'm thinking they'll turn out far better than I had expected based on their state now. Thanks for the help.
I was thinking though that it doesn't seem to be a coincidence that the 2 plants that started off weird at the very beginning ended up being the 2 that seem to be underdeveloped. This is a learning experience for me for sure. I'll make sure that I order more seeds next time around so that if any look strange at the beginning I can just pull them out and start over before I invest too much time into them. I ordered seeds from another company before I tried Mephisto ($140 !) and they never sent them or responded to my emails, so I only ordered 3 this time. Now that I know Mephisto is super legit I'll order enough to spare if I have any issues again.
Thanks for the rep @Yeatster ! I had watered all 4 before I pulled them out for those pics. I'd been watering every 3 days before but I'll go ahead and give the misfits a couple extra days this next cycle and see if that helps any. By then they'll be a month old so pulling them at that point wouldn't really make sense anyway. So I'll just accept whatever I can get from them. I'm really optimistic about the DBC and CD though. I'm thinking they'll turn out far better than I had expected based on their state now. Thanks for the help.

When you are running different strains, different age, different growth, you really need to water when they need it. Not when it's convenient because others are being watered.
Watering shouldn't be based by how many days it's been. Wait for each pot to become light/dry. It's a pain in the ass but well worth it in the end.
I suspect this is quite possibly the issue.
When dry, I would give the shaggy ones 1/2L -3/4L. Should be good for a couple days. Once she picks up speed a little, start upping the amount.
The other ones I would be giving 1L for now. I would rather water more frequently. If I get it perf, I'm watering every 2 days at most. The oxygen being pulled to the roots will help.

Bigger the roots, bigger the fruits.
Good luck!
Which seed bank screwed you over?
I'd rather not shit on their name because others on here have claimed they were a good seed bank. I actually received an email yesterday from them finally. They're claiming there was some type of address mixup, but I don't buy that shullbit at all. If that was true a simple email would have fixed the issue. Finally sending one 2 months later doesn't cut the mustard. They offered to send the seeds but now that I've found Mephisto I told them to just return my bread. They should probably contact @mephisto to learn something about customer service.
Well all is going well with Deep Blue C and Chemdoggin. SBC and CB are doing about the same. The CD is definitely a stanky plant. It's a weird smell that doesn't remind me of weed at all. That's actually a good thing. If the potency is as wild as the smell then my friends will enjoy this one for sure. The DBC doesn't have a noticeable smell yet, but when I rub the stem and smell my fingers it reminds me of being 12 and playing basketball all day and then nearly being thrown in the shower by my Mom when I got home. Straight piping hot preteen armpits. I've decided to give the SBC and CB another try so I put 1 of each in a jar of water and when they germ I'll pop them each in a 3 gallon pot. It's day 34 for the others now so by the time they're finished the new ones should be ready to begin flowering hopefully. Wish me luck.
I'll have some update pics tomorrow. I didn't take them today because I went to the Buckeye game today and had a few beers after not having any in so long sp my buzz wouldn't permit it. 77-10 over Bowling Green by the way. Go Bucks ! Those beers must have some gold or other precious metal in them for $9 a pop by the way. Beer was cheaper at Bengals, Browns, and Steelers games. Go figure. But anyway, when I returned home I noticed several brown leaves at the bottom of my DBC and CD. Also a few of the new growth up top have discolored tips. I have my LED's at 20 inches so I'm not sure what the deal is. Other than these leaves everything seems to be going good. Is it normal to already have leaves dying at the bottom this early? It's day 37.



Oh yeah and go Clemson my daughter went to school there we attended some good games that was about 8 years ago she drove me nuts this year she went to games I just can't travel anymore I missed a few good ones. I just go fishing I love that to:yay: