New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

Yes I use 2 led's. I have no idea where to get calmag from though
Any gardening or hydroponics store. Some people use fish tank stuff. @Bailey is a good place, too. Or you can gring dried eggshells for the Calcium and Epsom salt. It's easier to get Calmag. [emoji106] [emoji2]

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Looks like calcium def to me also.
I personally don't take effected leaves off until the issue is officially resolved. If you pull effected leaves, then issue is still there, it will start consuming new leaves. That's my theory anyway.

They look great though!!!
Sorry I havent added any pics or updated for awhile. I've been working double shifts lately (12 hours on, 8 off, 12 on) so I havent had the time. I'll update Friday after work. Everything is looking pretty good. I started giving calmag for the yellowing but it hasnt seemed to help much. Also @autobeast can you message me please? I have 2 new girls that are around day 12 now and I have a few questions for you.
Sorry I havent added any pics or updated for awhile. I've been working double shifts lately (12 hours on, 8 off, 12 on) so I havent had the time. I'll update Friday after work. Everything is looking pretty good. I started giving calmag for the yellowing but it hasnt seemed to help much. Also @autobeast can you message me please? I have 2 new girls that are around day 12 now and I have a few questions for you.
I will stop holding my breathe now. Happy to hear all is well, and thanks for updating. Get some rest Fred.

I will stop holding my breathe now. Happy to hear all is well, and thanks for updating. Get some rest Fred.

Thanks Yeatster. All is well with the ladies. DBC is looking especially good to me. The buds are starting to fill out a bit. I expect they'll start to get pretty fat soon. I think its day 47, but I'm not sure. Somewhere around there though. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow evening when I get off before I hit the hay for the next shift. Thanks for keeping an eye out bro.
Thanks Yeatster. All is well with the ladies. DBC is looking especially good to me. The buds are starting to fill out a bit. I expect they'll start to get pretty fat soon. I think its day 47, but I'm not sure. Somewhere around there though. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow evening when I get off before I hit the hay for the next shift. Thanks for keeping an eye out bro.

Out of curiosity, did you heed my advice with watering, and if so, do you think you noticed a difference?
I really think the watering part of autoflowers is overlooked. Allot of stunted grows are watering related.
Well the thing with that was I don't think I explained how I was watering clearly. It wasnt a case of me just choosing to water each plant every x days. That was just the way it was working out. I've been using a moisture meter in the dirt for a month or so, so I was watering when it read on the lower side of dry. Now the DBC is reading dry more often than the other 2. I did heed your advice as far as how much to water each time though. I've been slowly giving them a little at a time from a 1.5 litre watering can until I see a little runoff, then I stop. Usually it only takes 1 litre or so.