New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

Yeah I read when you posted that link in another thread. That's exactly the plan I've been following since I saw it. That's a great tip. Thanks for that.
Heres some update pics. I've been adding 1tsp of calmag per gallon of water. I just mixed up 2 gallons and water from them. It doesnt seem to be helping though. I just checked and I have more yellow leaves. Also the Chemdogging is very droopy. I've only watered once the bottom couple inches of soil read dry on my moisture meter. Also the yellow tips on my Deep Blue C are a little worse. I took a lot of pics so bear with me.
DBC Day 49 14 inches high (smelling super stank to me when I brush against the leaves. Also really sticky). Notice the yellow tips

Top bud


And 2 lower side buds


Chem Bubbly Day 46 18 inches tall (yellow leaves)



And Chemdogging Day 47 Really droopy with yellow leaves as well




And my humidity and temp in the tent the last 24 hours. The humidity has been between 43-48 regularly .My ph is at 6.6
I'm growing in organic soil with mephisto super soil in the bottom half. I bought advanced nutrients sensi calmag plus for 12 bucks. I don't use any nutes at all because this super soil is water only.
Pretty sure AN has N in it. Might wanna be careful as your girls are pretty green already.
Maybe a couple of those yellow dying leaves are from lack of light, I wouldn't personally worry about that.
The droop and lot's of dying on the chem dog, I don't know. She sure is pretty though.
In fact, they all look great Mr.! That DBC looks fantastic bro.

I suspect your organic soil is a bit hot. I can't imagine the Mephisto soil would burn the tips like that