Lighting Oxossi- third time lucky_ 5 x autopounders with grownorthern ms-006 & others

Nice man, I know you got 400w of GN there but what is your other led?
Its a Quantum bloom LED which I bought about a year ago and which did the job, as far as I was concerned,but it only took a few days with an MS-006 to make me realise it is not in the same class as the GN. At the time I bought it, I was on a budget and I knew it worked whereas I didnt know about GN, also the old GN lamps (pre-modular) were almost 50% more expensive, but now they are about the same as this was, hence I have bought two.
One would do for a 90x90cm , but I bought 2, at that price its a no-brainer. As JTang says its not an exact science,with lots of variables, but I dont think there is a better investment at the moment than an MS-006. Since my Auto-pounders went under my second MS-006 yesterday they have suddenly started bursting into flower and are shooting up as we speak. One of my cheeses , close to harvest, now has to be supported as its top cola became too heavy for it to stand unaided.
the best person to speak to is Dan from GN he will tell you all you need to know, just phone them , they want to help- its a great product, with a 3 year warranty, great customer service and help whenever you need it from an expert -- For £249 its a complete and utter bargain
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here is the Auto Seeds Hijack after 10 days under an MS-006, from little white pistils on the tips of the branches to thick white pistils covering every branch, I think this one is going to be some plant by the time its ready for harvest. I shall definitely be growing more of these, a sativa dominant strain will make a nice change from the more indica normal varieties
Nice Christmas tree bro :D looks awesome! Are they sativa Dom strain?
dude tryd 2 giv u sum rep but it sed this----------You cannot give more reputation than your maximum reputation power. You're trying to give 0 and you're maximum reputation power is 0!---------any1 knw why!!
I would imagine as you are very new here you have not acquired any/enough reps yourself to be able to give them out, but that is supposition.
Well I chopped the cheese last night and now have the Hijack, 4 X 21" Auto-Pounders (3 bushy and one sparse) and a 12" bushy and on calm and considered reflection I think I am going to chop the big straggly one if space gets any tighter for the following reasons
1) They seem to be filling out now and not growing vertically so much, so the straggly one will probably struggle to produce much
2)Its in a 10L airpot , of which I have only two and would like them both to be available for my next grow.
3)Removing it would give me some space to start off some babies a few weeks before harvesting to replace them
new hijack pics

this is the latest pictures of the Hijack , following the national trend for obesity and finally starting to show orange pistils after 3 months