Lighting Oxossi- third time lucky_ 5 x autopounders with grownorthern ms-006 & others

this is the first of the auto-pounders to be ready and was overall the best plant,for its size, with 48.3grm dry weight. The two larger plants (which were 50% taller) suffered from yellowing leaves (although strangely mainly on the side facing the lights) whereas the two smaller didnt suffer very much at all.
I made a lot of mistakes with this one, but also learned a lot too. This was the first full grow under GN MS-006s and they have definitely been an asset, with bigger, better and faster production. I have nearly doubled my previous best dry weight for a plant (with the hijack) and i still have 3 more auto-pounder plants to come with one being nearer two ounces and the other two being nearer an ounce each, so around 6 ounces in total, inshallah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the latest grow will feature 3 Flash Speedy G's and a Royal Queen Bluematic. I bought 3 x mango Ryders, 3x Flash Santas as well as the Flash Speedy Gs and received 3 free Bluematics from Herbies seed bank (where you can just get autoflower freebies, so goodbye Attitude) a distinctly brasilian look from now on. I have also ordered some AN voodoo juice and some Green Planet Pro-Cal ( for Cal-mag and iron deficiencies) and next it will be ANs B52 and Big Bud which will give me the AN hobbyist bundle. At some time I shall follow JTanGs lead and buy some AN sensizym too. With my new small syringes I will be able to be very accurate when doling out the smaller doses required and I am really looking forward to seeing what I can do
Just weighed my two largest plants and they come in at 61.4g and 57.5g (dry weight) which means that for the 3 plants i got 0.8g short of 6 ounces and I know that I could easily have increased this without the problems I had with yellowing leaves and my feeding mistakes etc. So that leaves just one more to go which should be ready by the end of the week
Top Growing OG!:smokebuds:

6 oz of chronic!! - Great result, Im jumping on the Auto's next time round, A smoke report would be great bro!!

I am quite certain that anyone with a modicum of skills and a fair wind could do a lot better than me. They can be tricky as i and Digital Shamaan found out , so there is plenty of potential for improvement on my figures. Any credit for my largesse should go to my 2x Grownorthern MS-006s which have transformed my growing abilities and the amount and quality of my yeild