Lighting Oxossi- third time lucky_ 5 x autopounders with grownorthern ms-006 & others

Well said Red eye. but with some of this :jaw:
cropped hijack.jpgauto pounder1.jpg
here is the latest state of affairs The Auto Pounder is the most mature of the bunch , now at day 58 and the fan leaves on the buds are now yellowing fast.
The Hijack recently decapitated now has yellowing fan leaves on the buds too, just over the last few days, mind you it was planted on 26th november and only really got flowering properly the day after I installed
my first MS-006
yes its a very sturdy little number and was vegged under my old lighting system and had stopped growing and just started flowering slowly when I got my first MS-006,(just those little short preliminary pistils before they lengthen) the next day all the pistils had grown. With 2 x MS-006s I should be able to reach the same height as this one (the maximum in my tent) rather earlier so it should be quicker grow. I would like to see what someone could do with this breed who was a better grower with a larger tent
well after drying the Hijack came in at 58.4G which for me is a record. I have rarely got more than an ounce previously.
wow these auto pounders are no joke, will you please post a smoke report for them? especially since you've got a few would be interesting to see how similar they all are or if there are detectable differences between them.
very very nice.That trunk is crazy!LOL!! :thumbs: