Lighting Oxossi- third time lucky_ 5 x autopounders with grownorthern ms-006 & others

Day 17



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The beast has arrived, I now have very nearly 1000w of power 480w of LED and 500w of CFL. It looks and feels a very professional unit and makes my old LED positively Stone-Age.
Sweet mate :thumbs: looking nice in the tent too,that's auto jacks a pretty tall girl :group:
yes she is just a slow grower. Although the two cheeses and the autojack were planted at the same time, one cheese was about a week or two ahead of the other and the autojack is just starting to get its white pistils. But with the MS-006 directly overhead things should change pretty quickly, she has an incredible number of budding sites so I am very hopeful for her. Also one of the auto pounders appears to have grown an inch in the 5 or 6 hours the MS-006 has been on

These are photos showing the difference 4 days makes under GN, not just in size though. Since I had my first MS-006 "she who must be........" has made comments about the smell for the first time , with good reason too, it didnt stop her asking for some to take to london with her, when she went visiting though!!
Cheese No1 now has to be supported by a stick as its top cola has become too big for its stem to support it. Cheese No2 was extensively LSTed which unfortunately lead to its top cola snapping because of the combination of the LST and added weight under the MS-006. But when I returned it had dried very nicely, very sticky and smelly.
Needless to say I have ordered my second MS-006 and will be dispensing with all other lighting, making an estimated 50% savings in running costs and easily a 50% improvement in output and quality.
Absolutely bro, same here with the running costs one more is so tempting.
Dude I reckon you could get rid of that other stuff and just have 2 MS006 and still get some sick bud!
My thoughts exactly lol
I am just waiting for something proper to hang them from, at the moment the Quantum is doing a good job keeping the MS-006s in the right place until they can be hung properly