Indoor Oscorp Industries - Living Organics with Green Goblin

Green Goblin

Oscorp Industries-Organic Division
Cultivators Club
Sep 23, 2014
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What's up guys, figured it was time to start a journal. This will be an ongoing journal for anything and everything I do as well as future grows..Just give me a little time and I'll get you updated on what I have going on currently as I'm mid grow with Mephisto's Double Grape.

Thank you.
Alright, I'm going to start off by thanking @Eyes on Fire because without him I'd still be banging my head off a wall :wall: Granted, I'm still learning, but through trial and error, a lot of reading and conversations with Eyes, I have a better grasp on things now and can hold my own.Speaking of which, I haven't talked to you in a while bro, hope everything is well.

Now, my germination technique is pretty textbook. I've done it since I started growing in my teens and it has worked everytime. The paper towel method is very common and I'm sure plenty of you have tried it, all with mixed results.I take a paper towel and fold it in fours, just to give it some thickness. I then place my seeds inside, adding labels if running multiple strains,and fold it together.I place said paper towel on a small dinner plate and moisten enough to fully saturate the whole thing,but not enough to have the towel sitting in a pool of water. Afterwards, I take another small dinner plate of the same size and turn it upside down like a dome and place it over the seeds.I wrap a small kitchen towel or hand towel around the plates and place the it on top of my cable box.The warmth from the box is just right and not overpowering especially with the towel barrier to get things popping very fast. You'll notice after that initial soaking of the paper towel and sitting on the box for a day or so,when you lift the plate,condensation will have formed and be beading off the plate..Perfect, you've done it right, and this prevents you from really having to keep remoistening the paper towel. If I feel the seeds need just a little more water, I turn the top plate sideways and let the condensation drizzle over the seeds below.

Now once you have tails, (I usually wait until they are all about 3/4"-1" long), optional, but what I like to do is dust them with Mycorrhizae to make direct contact with the roots and get them ready for planting. Keep in mind, Mycorrhizae needs to make contact with the roots to effective.I use a blend of 3 different kinds ( pictured below ),some brands are lacking species and strength others aren't so a good blend won't hurt.You can add some to your initial planting hole as well if you'd like.


Once ready, I use a chopstick and make a hole about 1/2 "- 3/4" down and place my sprouted seed tail facing down inside and gently cover over with medium and give it the slightest tap with my finger.Make sure you plant your seed deep enough so when the tail starts pushing out and down through your soil it doesn't push itself out of your planting whole and beach itself on the surface.It has happened to me before, plant your seed,moisten the cup and come back 2 days later to your seeding laid out and sun bathing.Believe it or not, those seeds made it, but it's not ideal.

Below are four Double Grape from Mephisto coated with Endo Mycorrhizae and ready for their home.



Thanks man, good to have you here. That's the plan, to share my journey through organics,not only what I have learned but what I still have to discover. So in a sense, we can all learn together and produce top shelf flowers no one would turn down.
Before I get into the good stuff, these were recommended to me when I first started and I recommend them to you guys if you are interested in this style of growing..There are a few others which I don't have at the moment like, Adding Biology by Elaine Ingham & Carol Ann Rollins & Teaming with Fungi by Jeff Lowenfels. Now there are a grip of other books on organics & compost teas as well as various blogs scattered across the net.Throughout this journal, I'll post my findings, YouTube videos and any solid info I have that is tried and true. I'll share with you my grows and recipes I have or develop as time goes on, so if you see what you like, you can try.The books below are a solid starting point.Although some may disagree with the Rev's techniques ( I myself don't use nutrient spikes ), it is a a decent book to get your foot in the door and good reading material when you're bored.


Below are some websites to check out when you get a chance.

I'm sure there are a few I missed, but as they come to me I'll post them.

Also, the unconventional farmer has knowledgeable material for those into natural farming.
Now, those seeds that we were planting before I started talking about books, oh yeah those. I like to use a tier and plug method.You can also use just a plug of seedling mix into your composted medium that is full of life & nutrients.I like to tier with a solo cup as well just for that extra space and added security while these young plants develop a decent root system to take on the world below.

I'll get into how I tier plant in just a minute, but first a heads up on what this seedling mix actually is, that would help right?:toke:

The seedling mix I chose to use is a living seedling mix developed by @Eyes on Fire and can be found here

This mix works and it works very well..It is inoculated and has the slightest boost of foods to not overkill it but keep your plants super happy and give you strong starts,problem free.This is my go to seedling mix.Listed below is the recipe I have, thinned out and geared towards autoflowers.

9 gallons of Pro mix BX & 3 gallons of Coco coir

2 heaping cups steer manure

1/2 rounded cup bokashi

1 medium palm of sugar in the raw

1 tablespoon insect frass

1.5 tablespoons of Sustainable Agricultural Technologies ( Mycorrhizae )

1 rounded tablespoons of bio VAM ( Mycorrhizae )

3-5 tablespoons of blackstrap powdered molasses

1/4 cup alfalfa meal

4-6 tablespoons of garden lime

1/4 cup(4 tablespoons) earth recharge

1-2 tablespoons of Earth syrup

3-4 tablespoons Baseline granules(peat humus)

3-5 tablespoons organic rice(heaping 1/4 or so)

2-3 tablespoons grow granules

2 rounded tablespoons of Azomite

The finished product ready to go


The ingredients ( coco/peat/myco & manure not pictured ) I used Black Kow 0.5-0.5-0.5


You don't Have to use this mix, you can make one with less inputs but this one worked for me and I stand by it.