Mephisto Genetics Organic & DWC with a side of COBs - 4 Mephisto strains

Plant update!
Day 15 - NCH, MBAP, Skyrone Stomper
Day 2 - Heisenberg Special

MBAP is one of the strongest in the tent and is looking like it might be the stretchy pheno, so I have tied her down today :naughtystep:
She is showing some early signs of long internodal spacing, relative to the other plants

Currently running 250 watts of 1212 citizen COBs. Still at 30 inches

Organic - Watered this morning... (did not water yesterday, watered the night before) Approx 200 to 500ml RO water (some pots were heavier/wetter) with 0.5 ml/l Organic CalMag and BU's Bio dynamic Compost Tea (aerated overnight with a little CarboLoad added in)
DWC - Added RO water to the res to top it off. Water going in was 120ppm (Sensi Bloom A+B) - resulting in a res PPM of 77. After an hour it settled to 73ppm.


Organic - Organic Tea Feed was at 6.1 pH
DWC - Still making large pH swings - Trying to keep it in the 5.7 to 6.2 range. Currently at 5.8 pH

Air Temp
Low 70s to low 80s

Reservoir Temps

Currently 71.5 degrees

30% to 50%


I just wanted the pull her over to begin training her. I will have her start moving to the left as she continues to grow. I am hoping to keep her confined to the space taken by my 10 gallon tub.



PPMs were dropping still, so I upped them to 118ppm right now. Just added 5ml bloom A and 5ml bloom B
Res pH was 6.8 when I checked it, so it raised from 5.8 to 6.8 in 9 hours. I put it back down to 5.8

Also, MBAP is already looking straight up again, so I tied her down further, with another tie.
Plant update!
Day 16 - NCH, MBAP, Skyrone Stomper
Day 3 - Heisenberg Special

  • Continuing to tie up the MBAP! She is really stretchy.
  • Heisenberg is still being slooow.
  • Decided to turn on the 150watt COB fixture today.
  • Everyone looks healthy.
  • Decided to keep the reservoir between 66 and 72 degrees. Just add 1 or 2 frozen water bottles a day. (I obsessively stare at my plants anyways):lol:

Currently running 400 watts of 1212 citizen COBs, at 50 watts each. 8 COBs total. 3000k 90CRI, and 3500k 90CRI. Still at 30 inches

Organic - Watered around 15 minutes ago. 500 to 700 ml of RO Water - between 220 and 280 PPM. (2 batches) - Used Organic CalMag, CarboLoad, and Recharge. Recharge was primarily used on Skyrone and BlackBerry.
DWC - Added RO water to the res to top it off. Added Sensi A+B and Sensi CalMag. PPM currently at 168. (this morning I put it at 120 and it dropped to 110 this evening, so I went higher) Might be too high?? Will definitely keep an eye on it


Organic - 6.26pH
DWC - Still making large pH swings - Trying to keep it in the 5.7 to 6.2 range. Currently at 5.5 pH

Air Temp
Low 70s to 85

Reservoir Temps

Currently ~67 degrees

25% to 40%

Here is skyrone stomper for your viewing pleasure....
Plant update!
Day 16 - NCH, MBAP, Skyrone Stomper
Day 3 - Heisenberg Special

  • Continuing to tie up the MBAP! She is really stretchy.
  • Heisenberg is still being slooow.
  • Decided to turn on the 150watt COB fixture today.
  • Everyone looks healthy.
  • Decided to keep the reservoir between 66 and 72 degrees. Just add 1 or 2 frozen water bottles a day. (I obsessively stare at my plants anyways):lol:

Currently running 400 watts of 1212 citizen COBs, at 50 watts each. 8 COBs total. 3000k 90CRI, and 3500k 90CRI. Still at 30 inches

Organic - Watered around 15 minutes ago. 500 to 700 ml of RO Water - between 220 and 280 PPM. (2 batches) - Used Organic CalMag, CarboLoad, and Recharge. Recharge was primarily used on Skyrone and BlackBerry.
DWC - Added RO water to the res to top it off. Added Sensi A+B and Sensi CalMag. PPM currently at 168. (this morning I put it at 120 and it dropped to 110 this evening, so I went higher) Might be too high?? Will definitely keep an eye on it


Organic - 6.26pH
DWC - Still making large pH swings - Trying to keep it in the 5.7 to 6.2 range. Currently at 5.5 pH

Air Temp
Low 70s to 85

Reservoir Temps

Currently ~67 degrees

25% to 40%

Here is skyrone stomper for your viewing pleasure....
View attachment 760636
I think you are right on with your DWC ppms you are doin great
I think you are right on with your DWC ppms you are doin great

Yeah... Just checked the PPMs and they have dropped to 148 in ~14 hours.
Also, the reservoir water is starting to look cloudy. It doesn't smell. Also, I am still pHing down to high 5s and it is coming back up to around 6.5 in a few hours now.

I will probably change the reservoir tonight and aim for a ppm of 160 again to start. Will use Sensi Bloom A+B, Sensi CalMag, and Hydroguard. (I believe it has only been 7 days since the last res change, but I want to be safe!) :thumbsup:

The roots have grown explosively. We will have a big root ball soon :cheers:
Also, I am 99% certain that I have the same pheno as @NoRobo and @Roasty McToasty so we should see a big plant soon! Especially with the way she is dropping the PPM :cooldance:
I have been busy this morning!!

Decided to do some research and start being more proactive with my reservoir. I picked up some SM-90 (wetting agent), which should help keep my roots clean. Also, it can kill fungus gnats (which are still bad). From my understand, the hydroguard still works well with the SM-90 product.
Also decided to go ahead and get a silica product. Picked up Armor Si from general hydroponics.

I re-ppm'd the res to 162ppm and it is sitting at 5.9pH

I also sprayed the surface of my coco with the SM-90. I will add in the Armor Si for the next feed (in a day or 2).

If anyone has any direct experience with SM-90, lemme know :cheers:
Reservoir quickly turned bad again...
Thank god the plant still looks good and is growing well.

I really tried to look at everything I have done so far and the only thing I can think of is that I did not disinfect the clay pebbles enough after the photoperiod I grew in them... Might have transferred over 'Brown Algae' which is said to live in high oxygen, cold or hot temps.

I placed the plant in a water/chlorine solution (same shit as 'Clear Rez' (Hypochlorous acid) and 'Dutch Master ZONE' (CHLORAMIDE)) to disinfect the root zone, soaked the clay pebbles as well. I let it soak (with air) for about an hour. While that was happening, I washed the rez with alcohol, H2O2, and then water/chlorine. After that, I thoroughly rinsed, added RO water back in, a splash of chlorine solution, and ppm'd up to 158 with sensi A+B.

I will also clean it again tomorrow.

While I was doing all of that, I had a major epiphany... Because I hadn't insulated my reservoir yet, light was actually getting through the walls of the reservoir. Stupid stupid stupid. Heading to the store right now to get a 2nd reservoir. Gonna insulate it and aluminum foil it. Figured it would be nice to have a 2nd reservoir for res change days anyways :)
Something I did that i think works well. If you take some foil and make a ring around your res about an inch bigger. Then take the "great stuff" spray foam insulation and spray it inside the foil it will insulate the crap out of it and make it light tight. Just think of the foil as a mold. You will also probably want to duct tape the foil do when the foam expands
Plant update!
Day 25 - NCH, MBAP, Skyrone Stomper
Day 12 - Heisenberg Special

Key updates...
  • I finally decided to transplant the MBAP to soil. I ran out of time to try and fix my starting mistakes. She is badly stunted :nono:... But I learned a ton and am confident that I can nail DWC next time, and that was my goal.
  • Everyone else is looking super healthy and is getting watered regularly now.
I know you guys are probably disappointed by my switch from DWC, but to be honest, it was taking way too much time to try and fix. She has a bad case of algae and needed more time than I could spend. The last week she was just stunted in the tank and not recovering. As a last effort, I trimmed her and placed her in a spare pot with some spare soil I had. I will be feeding her with AN nutes going forward. If she bounces back, I will post some photos. Also, if she bounces back, she can take ANY abuse.

Currently running 400 watts of 1212 citizen COBs, at 50 watts each. 8 COBs total. 3000k 90CRI, and 3500k 90CRI. At around 25 inches on average.
I have been running the 150 watt fixture at night only, to save on AC costs. Additionally, the tent isn't full, so I don't think I really need it yet.

Watering as needed 1 to 2 liters for the larger plants. Adding in Si Armour (silicon product), Organic CalMag, CarboLoad, and Recharge

Air Temp
68 to 82

35% to 52%

Photo time!! These are from yesterday... Will take more photos tomorrow most likely. Gotta break out the macro lenses soon! :frog:


Here comes the sad/depressing part... MBAP :frowny::frowny::frowny:
She has been trimmed of dead leafs by the way.

Here are her roots from 10 days ago, or so...

