Mephisto Genetics AutoPots Round 2 with 5 strains of Mephisto dank

Update day 18
The girls have been doing pretty good, except for one of the CDLCs. She didn't seem to like the increased feed and her leaves got deformed. However, new growth is looking ok. The other 3 look ready to be hooked up to the res, but I'm going to wait a few more days to do that. Tonight I pony-tailed several leaves on each plant to give light to the lower branches. Avt's leaves are not nearly as thick and shoots have been finding the light and she's spreading out nicely. I only pony-tailed one of her leaves. Here's a couple pics before and after pony-tailing and thanks for stopping by! :pass:

The 2 CDLCs are in the front and GWK is back left and AvT is back right.

Update day 22
The girls were put on the AutoPots system today and I hooked up the adapted air domes, (round air stones instead of the foamy things). I'm really liking how the girls have progressed so far and I think these are the best auto plants I've grown ... as far as amount of growth this early in the growth cycle. I really believe it has a lot to do with the California Lightworks Solar Extreme 250. In previous grows I've noticed that whichever plant was under the Solar Extreme always seem to do better in the veg. stage. So this time I started all the girls under the Solar Extreme along with a couple Auto Cobs to help fill in the low light spots on the sides. Feeding is 2 grams of MegaCrop per gallon, along with 5 ml per gallon of Cal/Mag+ and Hydroguard at the recommended dosage. Here's some pics and thanks for stopping by! :pass:




Now if I can just have a great Auto Pot experience and get a some dank in the jars! :hump::pass:

You got this, bro! I turned on my res also. I forgot to latch the valves down in the corner and had a little mess to clean up :crying: .

Everything going good now though! The ladies seems to be enjoying it.
Update day 29
The girls have been doing pretty good, although I do have concerns for the AvT. She's not been looking very happy since the last update. Droopy leaves and over watered looking, similar to last grow, (but not as bad). On the positive side, they have been drinking 2 - 3 gallons of nutrient solution per day which is a lot more than my 1st grow with Auto Pots, (especially at this stage of growth). It's been a battle lately just keeping the res 1/2 full. I've been adding 4 gallons of solution a day for the last 3 days, (but I did let it get pretty low). Both GWK and AvT have begun throwing hairs and showing their private parts. :dancer: It doesn't look like the other 2 are far behind. Temps have been good 78 - 83 F, and humidity ranging between 50 & 60%. Feed is 2 grams of the original formula MegaCrop per gallon. 5 ml of Cal/Mag+, Hydroguard @ 2 ml, Ancient Earth @ 2 ml & 1/2 ml of SuperThrive ... all measurements per gallon. Here's some pics and thanks for stopping by! :pass:


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Update day 29
The girls have been doing pretty good, although I do have concerns for the AvT. She's not been looking very happy since the last update. Droopy leaves and over watered looking, similar to last grow, (but not as bad). On the positive side, they have been drinking 2 - 3 gallons of nutrient solution per day which is a lot more than my 1st grow with Auto Pots, (especially at this stage of growth). It's been a battle lately just keeping the res 1/2 full. I've been adding 4 gallons of solution a day for the last 3 days, (but I did let it get pretty low). Both GWK and AvT have begun throwing hairs and showing their private parts. :dancer: It doesn't look like the other 2 are far behind. Temps have been good 78 - 83 F, and humidity ranging between 50 & 60%. Feed is 2 grams of the original formula MegaCrop per gallon. 5 ml of Cal/Mag+, Hydroguard @ 2 ml, Ancient Earth @ 2 ml & 1/2 ml of SuperThrive ... all measurements per gallon. Here's some pics and thanks for stopping by! :pass:

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I would take the avt and start top feeding her for a while to get her back on track as some strains get build up more than others and I've found that's the best way to reset or get them back on track just my opinion though
I would take the avt and start top feeding her for a while to get her back on track as some strains get build up more than others and I've found that's the best way to reset or get them back on track just my opinion though
I took the AvT off the res and hit all the girls with some lst-ing and defoliating of their lower growth. I've had the res turned off most of the day, but it's back on now after moving the girls around. I'll wait and hand feed/water the AvT tomorrow, but not sure if I'll give her another chance on the res. :pass:
Update day 33
The girls have been doing good and I decided to give the AvT another chance on the res. She had been doing really well and drinking a lot, but I'm going to keep a close eye on her. Feed has been upped to 2 1/2 grams of MegaCrop per gallon, along with Silica Blast and Purpinatior, (neither of which I've ever used before). I was using Rhino Skin for a silica boost, but the SB is a little cheaper. I've also used Terpinator in the past, so I'm a little familiar with what Purpinator is suppose to do. I also ran the res with a full dose of Sensizyme for a couple day and I believe that's what helped the Avt get back on her feet so soon. AvT got her feedings strait out of the res. Anyways here's some pics and thanks for stopping by! :pass:


AvT above and below


