Mephisto Genetics AutoPots Round 2 with 5 strains of Mephisto dank

And so it begins. Off to a good start. I'm still trying to figure out what and how I'm going to grow next. Thinking about giving the Wilma another go but not sure what pips.
I remember several of you grew out the Blackberry Gum a while back. What's it like? I grabbed a few of those pips, (as you call them), back last year, but I ain't had a chance to run them yet. I really don't know much about the Wilma system, except what I just read. Have you ever grown the Creme da la Cheme? That shit is fire! :fire: :baked: :pass:
Looking good bro also those FB gorrilla cookies if you run them I hope you have a good carbon filter as they were potent from flower
Hmmm, sounds intriguing @St. Tom I read that they really put out the funk. When I decide to run them, I will definitely change my carbon filter before I try to grow it! :pass:
I remember several of you grew out the Blackberry Gum a while back. What's it like? I grabbed a few of those pips, (as you call them), back last year, but I ain't had a chance to run them yet. I really don't know much about the Wilma system, except what I just read. Have you ever grown the Creme da la Cheme? That shit is fire! :fire: :baked: :pass:
Hmmm, sounds intriguing @St. Tom I read that they really put out the funk. When I decide to run them, I will definitely change my carbon filter before I try to grow it! :pass:

Yeah the blackberry gum, that was an interesting grow. I had 3 of them in the wilma. Mine did not autoflower but they were the only things in the tent so no problem switching to 12-12. They were a thick unruly mess, lots of branches covered with thick dense buds - they took over the tent! High yield and the smoke was good too!

Never done the creme de la chem, but I remember you mentioning it many times, so it's on my list. Is mephisto the breeder?
Yeah the blackberry gum, that was an interesting grow. I had 3 of them in the wilma. Mine did not autoflower but they were the only things in the tent so no problem switching to 12-12. They were a thick unruly mess, lots of branches covered with thick dense buds - they took over the tent! High yield and the smoke was good too!

Never done the creme de la chem, but I remember you mentioning it many times, so it's on my list. Is mephisto the breeder?
Did anyone else have Blackberry Gum plants that didn't autoflower? That sure makes me hesitant about running it. Also, CDLC is a Mephisto strain and happy 420 btw! :pass:
Sorry for not updating, but I've been back in the hospital. Between breathing treatments and diuretics, I was in and out in 3 1/2 days! Unfortunately, I've learned that my heart failure has taken a turn for the worse. Docs are changing my meds and I go back for another ultra sound in a couple weeks. Anyways, the girls are doing well and I'll get an update in later on or tomorrow. :pass:
Sorry for not updating, but I've been back in the hospital. Between breathing treatments and diuretics, I was in and out in 3 1/2 days! Unfortunately, I've learned that my heart failure has taken a turn for the worse. Docs are changing my meds and I go back for another ultra sound in a couple weeks. Anyways, the girls are doing well and I'll get an update in later on or tomorrow. :pass:
First things first. Get well!
Sorry for not updating, but I've been back in the hospital. Between breathing treatments and diuretics, I was in and out in 3 1/2 days! Unfortunately, I've learned that my heart failure has taken a turn for the worse. Docs are changing my meds and I go back for another ultra sound in a couple weeks. Anyways, the girls are doing well and I'll get an update in later on or tomorrow. :pass:
Wishing you well :bighug:
Sorry for not updating, but I've been back in the hospital. Between breathing treatments and diuretics, I was in and out in 3 1/2 days! Unfortunately, I've learned that my heart failure has taken a turn for the worse. Docs are changing my meds and I go back for another ultra sound in a couple weeks. Anyways, the girls are doing well and I'll get an update in later on or tomorrow. :pass:
Sad news bro I'm hoping they get you on the right meds I have COPD so I know what's it's like to struggle
Update day 11
I really like how the girls have progressed in my absence. Luckily, my best friend helps with my plants pretty regularly and he was more than happy to look after them while I was away. I mixed up 5 gallons of nutrient solution before I left and had him check the ph each day before feeding. AvT has shown the most growth. Although, one of her 3 finger leaves looks abnormally long. GWK isn't too far behind, with both CDLCs looking ok, but just not as much growth. I guess it's understandable this young, as both sprouted 2 days after the others. I'm going to up their feed tomorrow to 1 1/2 grams per gallon of the original formula Mega Crop. I know some start at 2 grams per gallon, but I've burned seedlings in the past and 1 gram per gallon seems to do better for me. I've also been using Cal/Mag+ at 5 ml per gallon, and SM-90 at 1ml per gallon. I think I may be the only grower around who still has any SM-90 left after they were made to stop selling it. I like to use it the first few weeks because I read that it promotes root growth. Lighting for the girls is a Solar Extreme 250, (centered over all 4 pots), and 2X Auto Cobs hanging on the left and right edges. Here's some lousy pics and thanks for stopping by! :pass:





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