Grow Mediums One waterfarm, 2 autocobs, and a 150hps. Double Grape!

Thanks for joining the show! I'll keep dropping the nute concentration until the ppm starts dropping a little from feeding, instead of rising. Hard to recalibrate my old brain to not running clones at full hustle. Lol.
Regards, Kyle
Following :pass:!
Got a Double Grape in a Waterfarm going right now :D! Gonna be cool to see your baby grow up

Light stress my friend! Personally I'd turn off 2/3 of those lights and leave 1 autocob for at least the first 2-2.5 weeks :). It will not use that much lighting when it's small anyway.

@HellaDutch you have a grow thread going my friend??
The LST is already working its magic. She's wrapping around the ties, and reaching for the light. It is fun to watch plants grow, no matter what it is. Pics tomorrow, and an update on the cheapo PH pen calibration. Cal fluids are supposed to arrive UPS in the afternoon.
Regards, Kyle
Well, I got my ph calibration solution, but, like a booger-eating moron, I hadn't read the instructions for the meter yet. Somehow I forgot it was a push button calibration meter, and needed 4.0 and 6.8. The GH solutions are 4 and 7.
I was only able to do a single point cal, as it didn't like the 7.0. Not sure if it's a big deal, or not, but it made a 0.5 adjustment to the meter. It had been reading high. After comparing it side by side with the liquid test kit, I believe it is now accurate. I sorta made my own test solution, in a solo cup, using a sample from the res, and adjusting it to 6, 6.5, and then 7, by adding tap water. Pretty clear color change in the liquid kit at each step, agreeing with the meter along the way.
I wish there was a 100% way to be sure a pen was properly calibrated, but after all these years, I still eye them suspiciously.
By adding straight RO to the res, I am down to 575ppm, and things still look ok. I will change the res tomorrow, and hold my breath that the pen and drops agree. I would think that since I have been adjusting PH too low, I would have locked out cal and mag, and seen a problem by now?
Who knows. I will shoot for 5.8, and see what happens!
Regards, Kyle
Well, so far so good on the new PH meter calibration. I did a res change today, and dropped the mix to 2/2/2 GMB, and 3ml/gal Calimagic. I also dropped the res level by 1/4 gal, to give the roots some breathing room. Good to see them in the water. PPM landed at 525, and PH at 5.7. PH has risen to 6, as I hit the bed for the night. I expect it to swing to 6.2-3 by morning, which would make me a happy camper. Id also like to see a small PPM drop, for a change. Not sure if it's an autoflower specific thing, or the fact that I am starting a seed in hydro for the first time, but this little girl eats like a ballerina.
Pics soon, when she's got something to show me after her latest round of LST.
Regards, Kyle
Day 20
One fuckup, and one weird thing. I got a little heavy handed with the LST, and snapped a branch. Luckily, it broke right above a node, and the two side shoots have taken over. Sometimes, even good domestic violence can go bad...
The main stem looks scary, but it is nice and rigid. I plan to support the entire plant before it starts putting on weight. The stem has always looked odd to me, like I didn't plant the sprout deep enough, or something. When I put the rooter in the pebbles, I had to be super careful not to break the taproot, so I left it maybe an inch higher than I would have preferred. It looks like shit, where I had the tie hooked around it, but the plant above it looks super happy. Who knows?
Still hating on my PH pens, LOL. I got a second manual calibration cheapo pen. They agree spot on in PH 4 and 7 cal solution, but disagree by .2-.3 in a cup full of res water. I just split the difference. Ffs.

Anyway, a couple pics. As always, thanks for stopping by!
Well, sorry for the double post of pics... That would be the byproduct of my fumbling sandwich clamps trying to post from my phone again...