Grow Mediums One waterfarm, 2 autocobs, and a 150hps. Double Grape!

Day 11
Changed the solution yesterday, and upped the feed to 2.75 ml/gal G/M/B. 3ml/gal Calimagic, and 1ml/gal Si-Armor.
My soaker hose air diffuser isn't moving much air with the small commercial air pump I am running. So, I'm trying something new, and obvious, though I have not seen it done before. Who knows, maybe I came up with something cool for a change.
I simply ran an air line to the sight tube on the waterfarm. A few wraps of electrical tape (ghetto, I know) made for a snug slip fit. It doesn't produce the super fine bubbles of a stone, or soaker hose, but it agitates the solution very well. Waterfarms have a lot of air in the water already, from the air lifter dripper, and the falling drops of water from above. Let's see what happens!
Apparently I am having tacos tonight, or at least taco leaves. Humidity is as high as I can safely get it, at 40-50%. I guess I have to live with it, as I can't push it any higher with outside RH in the 15-25% range.
Cobs and hps150 are 30" above the plant. That seems to be the consensus on a safe height for young plants. Let me know if you think I'm too high or low...
Thanks for looking!
Following :pass:!
Got a Double Grape in a Waterfarm going right now :D! Gonna be cool to see your baby grow up

Light stress my friend! Personally I'd turn off 2/3 of those lights and leave 1 autocob for at least the first 2-2.5 weeks :). It will not use that much lighting when it's small anyway.
Following :pass:!
Got a Double Grape in a Waterfarm going right now :D! Gonna be cool to see your baby grow up

Light stress my friend! Personally I'd turn off 2/3 of those lights and leave 1 autocob for at least the first 2-2.5 weeks :). It will not use that much lighting when it's small anyway.

Hmmmm. Good point. I'm so used to running clones, I forget these are not mature, small plants, but just babies after all. I see how people get in trouble when learning with LED lighting. No radiant heating leads to the impression of low lighting levels. Obviously not the case, as these are way more powerful than they appear...
Thanks for the heads up. I have to run the HPS for warmth at night, but I will unplug one cob, and see if that helps. I had ASSumed the taco leaves were from humidity.
Regards, Kyle
To avoid PH problems the first few weeks, yes.

The pebbles should be well rinsed to remove clay dust and pebbles should be soaked in PH 5.0 water. If not, there will be PH problems with most hydroton pebbles and specifically with the ones that come with the waterfarm kit. I've heard there are a few that are stable right out of the bag but I can get the cheap stuff within driving distance.

I am fairly new at hydro but that was the very first problem I encountered and remedied.

Is this a must?

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Day 14
Things going pretty well, all things considered. @HellaDutch, I am trying a single COB during the day, and adding the 150Hps at night. Not really noticing a change in leaf taco problem, but also no detriment to the plant. So far, so good there.
I've got some GH 4 and 7 calibration solution on the way, to check my PH meter. I have a cheapo from Scamazon, so I will be staying on top of calibration, and watching it closely. I have heard some horror stories about these low buck meters, but after owning a couple of very nice Hanna meters over the years, I am betting a lot of the problems are owner induced. I wondered about this meter not being temp compensated, but a little reading proved that to be a non issue. From 65F to 75F, which is the absolute max temp swing for a res without serious trouble, the difference in readings is about .1-.2.
I'm not gonna sweat that.
I did an early res change, as the new growth is showing the tiniest trace of burn, and was looking a little too green and waxy for my taste. She's definitely at full throttle, with a surprisingly low nute load. Then again, as I've said, this is my first ever run in hydro from seed. A seedling is not a clone, dummy!
I'm currently at 2.5 ml/ gal G/M/B, with 5ml/gal Calimagic. I may have to back it down to 2/2/2, as there is N in the Calimagic. First too off with plain RO should cover that. Current PPM is 650, res temp hangs around 67, and I have managed to get the RH up to about 50% in the tent. COB and hps are still 30" above the plant too.

Thanks for looking, if you see any gremlins emerging in the pics, please speak up!
Regards, Kyle
Day 16
Bend over hunny, this won't hurt a bit...
Some LST action this morning, just to get things headed in the direction I want. I'm hoping for nice spread of colas, with plenty of room for light penetration. She's definitely an indica leaning pheno, which is OK by me, but the fat-fingered fan leaves will need lots of leaf tucking down the road.
PPM has been rising, as she drinks water, so I topped with straight RO water last night, and will reduce the mix tomorrow, at the next res change. Such a dainty feeder, but I guess a lot of fat girls start that way.:pighug:
I have been running 2.5ml/gal GMB, and 5ml/gal Calimagic to get to 650ppm. I'll back off the gas to 2/2/2 and 5, and see how that goes. I suspect the extra N in the Calimagic is responsible for running a little hot?
Either way, very happy with the growth so far. She already smells strong!
Thanks for looking.
@water farm Tried to drag you in before, but I left the space out of your screen name. No workey.
Can always use another set of eyes, if you git the time!
Regards, Kyle
oh man awesome thank you @Ydijadoit for tagging me in !!

Double Grape :pighug: in a waterfarm :growing: with some LST :naughtystep:is going to be right up my alley hehe :greenthumb:

650ppm might be a little hot at this stage... but she is looking really good!
just FYI I have found Mephisto plants across the board require less ppm than other autos say Dinafem ( has been my experience) and definitely less ppm than most photos... nothing really drastic... just noting a little "less is more"