Grow Mediums One waterfarm, 2 autocobs, and a 150hps. Double Grape!

Thanks, guys. I am blown away by how little this plant eats. I'm down to 475ppm, and she seems happy as ever. PPM is falling reliably now, so I will just keep up with the 2-2-2 ml/gal program, until something changes.
Stay tuned!
Day 21
All is still going well. Still running the most basic mix of Flora nutes, though I did bump up to 530ppm today. I'll see how she likes it. Still bending, tucking, and fiddling with her, to try and open things up a bit. Otherwise, just sitting here, watching the grass grow.
I do love the new Autocobs. I'm keeping two of them at about 25", and they sure seem to be doing the trick. The high CRI makes life so much better than HPS. Not just for pictures, but watching the plant for problems. In my HPS days, it was a bit of a hassle to shut down ballasts, turn on another white light to get a realistic view of the plants. So nice to see them in true color all the time!
Regards, Kyle
I ASSumed I had the 80 version, but I see Citizen offers this chip in 90 as well. Not sure actually! Either one is light years ahead of my HPS, that's for sure.
Thanks for looking.
Day 23
She's growing up fast. Roots are solidly in the res water, and the plant is drinking about 1/3 gal per day. Still LST like mad, before the branches harden too much. I kinda bent her one way to begin, and now am trying to train her back on herself, to get a nice spread, centered above the waterfarm, but still keeping her short. I usually fuck this up, and run out of time before the branches get rigid, so we'll see if I can pull it off this time.
Plan is to go another week, and then prune out all the suckers, and a few of the gigantic first fan leaves.
Any tips on timing that are welcome.
Everything has gone so well with the basic GH feed ratio, I plan to just follow their recirculating feed program, but scaled back to 1/3 strength, once she stops stretching. Looking at the numbers of the Flora bloom, I am thinking of just using it like I would Liquid Kool Bloom. The ratio is close, at 0-5-4 for the bloom, and 0-10-10 for LK. If I just add a extra ML/gal of bloom, that might be a decently close bloom booster.
Then again, I can always fall back on the trusty Lucas ratio, which is where the GH feed schedule lands for weeks 9 and 10 anyway.
This is the stage of a grow where I hear the whispers in my head... "Don't fuck up". Lol
Thanks for looking, input always welcome.
Looks good man! I love hydro because of the growth. Should fill out with buds soon

Thanks, I am really happy with this grow so far. Actually have that "Shit, things are going too well" feeling. LOL. I am nervous about the transition to bloom, as far as feeding goes. It's all fun and games to keep it nice and green and happy in veg, but, as we all know, the magic is in the transition. Not too much N, and not too little...
As Harvey Keitel said in Pulp Fiction.....

Regards, Kyle
Day 24
Res change, and made a small change today, based on a theory I came up with. I lowered the N ratio of the mix, which had been 2/2/2 with 3ml/Calimagic. This batch is 2/micro, 1.5/grow, 2/bloom and 2/Calimagic per gal.
I was seeing a little tip burn on the newest growth. Node spacing is getting tight, and the branches are pretty rigid. My theory is, that I was already hot on the N, and now that growth is shifting to bloom, I may not need quite as much. PPM drops daily, but there is no way to tell what parts of the mix it is eating, and which parts are in excess.
I'll see what happens, but at the ratio I had been running, there were never any signs of Nitrogen/Ca/Mg deficiency.
Keeping my fingers crossed it works.
Regards, Kyle
Pic update. I always seem to take pics right after I do some more LST, so the plant looks like a tortured mess, half the time.
Last training was yesterday, and here are some shots from today.
Pretty happy with the squarish shape. Once I trim out the suckers, and some undergrowth of big leaves, I think this will fly!

Regards, Kyle
Stupid question here. What part of the plant is a sucker to you? Are you talking about the tops?