Grow Mediums One waterfarm, 2 autocobs, and a 150hps. Double Grape!

Ooops, got baked and only answered half your question..:chimp:

I am not a huge fan of supplements, except for Cal/Mag of some sort. Calimagic for hydro, Cmag+ for soil.
I've poured my share of Magic Pixie Piss on plants before. I've mixed concoctions of this and that, blending, testing, fiddle-fucking around, looking like Walt and Jessie in the motorhome.... No tangible benefit, as far as I could tell.
I am as far from a horticulture expert as you can get, so I may be missing something along the line, but some of the best plants I've grown, considering taste, a clean white ash burn, yield, and potency, have been with just the basics.
I sure have fucked some plants up, and given myself nightmares using too many supplements, to fix imaginary deficiencies.
Long story short, I would seriously just do Flora G/M/B, and a bottle of Calimagic, to start. You can grow amazing buds with nothing more.
Regards, Kyle
Thanks for posting!
I really like the Flora lineup. I've used it off and on since 2010, with great success. I've had bad grows with it, but that's me, not the nutrients. I am not opposed to Koolbloom powder, but it can be a hand grenade, if overdone. I wouldn't personally use it on an auto, since they are always from seed, and kind of a one-and-done, as far as learning what they need, or can handle, nutrient-wise. I have used it on photo strains, when I've been running a particular mother for awhile, and had the grow dialed in.
Just my limited experience with autos has been a wake-up call in light feeding, that's for sure!
Liquid Koolbloom is pretty forgiving, compared to the dry.
As with everything, your mileage may vary...
Regards, Kyle

So you think the dry Kool Bloom can be too strong and cause burning or stunting? It seems like GH's schedule only calls for it the last week or two of Bloom before flushing. I may try it, along with the liquid Kool Bloom in early-mid flower, but I'll definitely keep your advice to take it easy with it in mind.
Ooops, got baked and only answered half your question..:chimp:

I am not a huge fan of supplements, except for Cal/Mag of some sort. Calimagic for hydro, Cmag+ for soil.
I've poured my share of Magic Pixie Piss on plants before. I've mixed concoctions of this and that, blending, testing, fiddle-fucking around, looking like Walt and Jessie in the motorhome.... No tangible benefit, as far as I could tell.
I am as far from a horticulture expert as you can get, so I may be missing something along the line, but some of the best plants I've grown, considering taste, a clean white ash burn, yield, and potency, have been with just the basics.
I sure have fucked some plants up, and given myself nightmares using too many supplements, to fix imaginary deficiencies.
Long story short, I would seriously just do Flora G/M/B, and a bottle of Calimagic, to start. You can grow amazing buds with nothing more.
Regards, Kyle

Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely keep this in mind. Sometimes I just can't help myself though, lol. I love to tinker around and the "maybe a little bit of this and that will supercharge it" mentality tends to take over sometimes.
Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely keep this in mind. Sometimes I just can't help myself though, lol. I love to tinker around and the "maybe a little bit of this and that will supercharge it" mentality tends to take over sometimes.

Lol, sounds good. I know the feeling!
You will be OK with the Kool Bloom if you back off on the base nutes, and check the PPM or EC of your solution. That's an easy one to forget, and accidentally add the 1/4tsp on the bag, to a full strength nute batch. That can be a bad day, right near the finish line of a grow.
Regards, Kyle
Day 29
Another res change. The only downside to a waterfarm, is the constant fiddling with 2 gallons of solution. I may cheat, before this grow is over, and switch to a tote, with a square hole in the lid to hold the waterfarm grow chamber. I've done that before, and it works awesome. I'd rather adjust 6-8 gallons than 2...
Some funky slime on the dripper ring, when I pulled it to clean the assembly. A little bit on the hydroton, as well. Ain't gonna tolerate non of that bullshit 'round here, so I broke out my trusty bottle of Clorox bleach, and gave her 3 drops in 2 gallons. Bad shit be gone, before it becomes a problem!
I ran bleach in my old RDWC rig for years, and really swear by it.
Growth is banging along, with actual flowering beginning a couple days ago. Fresh batch of nutes at 4/4/4 and 2.5 Calimagic, for a PPM of 640
. I think I will start backing off the N next week, as I think (?) The stretch is winding down.
Not much exciting to see, but here's a couple pics.
Regards, Kyle
Day 31
Still going strong. I hope like hell she quits stretching soon! My tent is only 6' high, and I am running out of room for the lights... Worst case, I have no qualms about super cropping, but I'd rather not, unless it's unavoidable.
I did the last of my planned defoliation below tye canopy. Kind of a scrog, without the screen. I only like popcorn at the movies!
Still mulling the idea of switching to a tote, for easier and more consistent res maintenance. I need to build a plenum box for my carbon filter anyway, so it might be a two project day soon!
The filter is too big to hang, but with a plenum box and some flex tube run up to the ceiling, I can draw air from the top of the tent...
A few pics. Just willing this girl along!
Regards, Kyle

Ok, pics in a few..."there was a problem uploading your file".....
looking good mate can't wait to see the end product!!!
Thanks! I'm afraid this girl might be a monster, when I don't really have the headroom for something huge. I'll have to get creative, if she gets much bigger!
Regards, Kyle
Day 34
First traces of frost ar showing near the budsites! Stoked about that, to say the least. Plant is going to be an unruly beast. I am so glad I did fairly aggressive LST from the start. I know I sound like a broken record on that one, but it is just about imperative to do with a 6' tent, and Autocobs. If this was left to nature, it would be at least a foot taller than this, and I'd have a problem on my hands.
I have been adding back G/M/B, to keep the PPM up between res changes, which are damn near every other day, with the small res of a waterfarm. She drinks .5 gal per day, at the moment. PPM drops from 650 to 400 overnight, but I see no need to feed more aggressively, as the plant shows zero deficiencies so far. I add back to maintain 350-400 PPM, but with a reduced amount of Grow. N is one thing I don't need more of at this point!
I held a tape measure up for size reference in the pics. It's so hard to get a feel for size from a photo, I figured it would help.
Cruisin' along!
Regards, Kyle