Grow Mediums One waterfarm, 2 autocobs, and a 150hps. Double Grape!

Thanks guys. Did a res change today, 5ml Micro, 2ml Grow, 5ml Bloom, and 2ml Calimagic per gal. 650 PPM, Backing off the Nitrogen, from here on out. I'd rather show a trace of yellow, than risk any more vertical growth.
Pics next time, when there is some obvious progress.
Regards, Kyle
Day 37
Beat the piss out of the poor girl, but she was headed for the lights, and I am running out of vertical accommodations for her. Some serious supercropping action today. Res change to 5/2.5/5 and 2.5/gal Calimagic. This is the hottest nute load in awhile, at 725ppm, so I may have to dilute the mix if I see any problems.
She's a goddamn monster. Really glad I only did one plant in my 3x3 tent!
Once she has recovered from the supercrop, I will wait a little while, and do some defoliation.
I know arguments go both ways, but I can't say I've ever had a problem from getting rid of leaves.
I am growing buds, not salad! Lol
That's hydro right there!

Good show! Amazing bud sites! A real joy to behold!




Thanks! This plant has grown itself, for the most part. Really happy with it so far, as long as she quits growing, and turns that energy into nugs of tasty goodness!
Regards, Kyle
Day 40
Supercrop worked awesome. It's funny that it's turning out to have a flatter canopy than my best SCROG efforts, a few years ago. I still haven't done a whole lot in the way of defoliation. I need to trim out some more of the spindly undergrowth that's poking up in the center, also. I think I will do that a little each day, rather than one and done.
Topped off the res today, Lucas ratio, at 0-5-10. This plant is drinking a half gallon (edit, Twice per day that's one gallon in 24 hrs), per day, and with such a small res, PPM drops fast. Addbacks are always a gamble, as you never know what has been consumed, and what might be in excess. I figure it's less risky to do a few addbacks like this, than to constantly be pulling this beast out of the the bucket to do a full on res change.
So far, so good on that theory.
This Double Grape has got to be, hands down, the easiest cannabis plant I have ever grown. It seems to like damn near everything I have thrown at it. From overfeeding, at 700+ppm in it's first couple weeks, to 200ppm yesterday, before an addback. PH from 5 to 6.5.
Really amazing offering from Mephisto.
Then, there's the frost. If I can keep doing my part, this will also be one of the absolute frostiest plants I have grown. A pheno I once ran of Nirvana's Aurora Indica would be the only other time I've had a plant that threw this many trichomes so far out on the leaves and stems.
I can't wait for the next few weeks!
Thanks for looking.
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Did some more defoliation, thinning out a bunch of the light blocking fans in the center of the canopy. Working from underneath, and above seemed to do the trick. I at least avoided an unintentional FIM, which is easy to do when they get this bushy!
Feeding my own version of the tried and true Lucas ratio. 0-6-14. Sounds whacked, but the extra 2 ml of bloom is pretty close to 1ml of Liquid Koolbloom. This plant is so tolerant of changes, I figured it would make a good guinea pig.
Some frost pics, and an upskirt for you!
Thanks for riding along.
This thing is looking monstrous! Hell yeah. Defoliation is honestly an amazing technique. Obviously strain dependent but almost every strain I have tried it on has loved it.

Haha! Yes, a hell of a lot bigger than I expected. Before I popped the seed, I was seriously considering running two waterfarms, with two difft strains (who doesn't like some variety). Glad I didn't. Since this is all for personal, I don't mind leaving a little breathing room to work in the tent.
I may try a run in soil again, this summer. I'd like to try 4 strains at once, maybe in one gallon pots, to stunt them down a bit...and I just don't know of a way to make hydro plants grow smaller!
Thanks for stopping by!
I'll throw some more pics up in a day or two.
Regards, Kyle