Grow Mediums One waterfarm, 2 autocobs, and a 150hps. Double Grape!

Thanks for tuning in. This is a lonely hobby in the physical world. It's good to have folks to bounce ideas off, and generally show off to. Can't exactly invite the neighbors over to admire a grow!
Regards, Kyle

Show off to..... Well one day, but for me personally my stuff is not show off worthy yet. More like "help me make my plants healthier" at this point. I've filled out my share of the infirmary form. But yes its a bit of a loner hobby for sure. Not quite like a mainstream tupperwear party that you'd invite your neighbors over for.
Show off to..... Well one day, but for me personally my stuff is not show off worthy yet. More like "help me make my plants healthier" at this point. I've filled out my share of the infirmary form. But yes its a bit of a loner hobby for sure. Not quite like a mainstream tupperwear party that you'd invite your neighbors over for.

If I could invite them over to do the trimming, and then somehow wipe their memory like Star Trek. Lol.
Find me a way to do that, I'm in!
Regards, Kyle
So, my final job for this thread is a smoke report, something I'm not all that good at.
Here goes.
Buds wound up a little fluffy, but not anything bad. I only had 250 watts of light on this plant, and it was friggin huge. No gripes about the bud structure.
Smell is of premium bud, though not overpowering, compared to other strains I have grown. It's not fruity, or diesel, or grape smelling to me, just really good pot, lol.
Smoked through a small bubble pipe, it's getting to be nice and smooth, after being in the jars for a couple weeks. Burns to white ash.
The effect is really a creeper. I've never understood the science behind why some buds will have me stoned on the exhale, and some do jothing for ten or fifteen minutes...
This is the 15 minute variety. Kinda like a mini version of edibles. "Damn, that hit didn't do a thing, I better chief it up good. This stuff isn't all that strong"... 15 minutes later..."Fuck. I'm gonna be the first one in all of human history to overdose on cannabis" lmao.
Maybe you have been there?
High is stupefying. Not motivating, but perfect for vegging on the couch, or going to sleep. Both my Wife and I have over done it with the DG, and been left confused, and unable to get much done. Start out with the best intentions, and then forget what we were doing.
High is long lasting. I'm not reaching for the pipe for about 2 hours or more.
Legendary boner weed. Don't know how many of you guys have this reaction to some strains, but I could hang 3 leather coats and a wet towel on it, without bending! Wife does a lot of running away.
Wayyyy too much info. You are welcome.
Great strain. Grow it! @mephisto keep up the awesome work.
Regards, Kyle
Well, final weight is in, and I missed the GPW mark by 20 lousy grams! I checked it twice, but it just ain't getting there.
Fack. That's one I've wanted for a long time, but it's gonna have to wait awhile.
Buds were not very dense, which has cursed me throughout my hydro growing career. I love playing in the water, but I have to give the nod to soil and coco for rock hard trophy-nugs.
Final weight, at 58% humidity was 230g on the nose, or 8.21 oz.
Damn happy with that. I never would have believed it was possible View attachment 890298 from an auto, just 5 years ago. Quality? Anybody, handed a jar of this, would never guess this was an autoflower. It's really just that good.
Even with just a few days to gas off (I can't even call it a cure yet), it's knocking 50 year old heads on their ass.
Amazing offering from @mephisto.
I am not worth a shit at smoke reports, but I will wrap this thread up in a week or so, with my version of one.
For now "highly recommend" would be an understatement...
Regards, Kyle.

First off I just would like to say, good yield and plant. It looks pretty dank I won't lie. Second, You are completely right about the autos. No one thought they were shit back then. I started growing right around the time the autoflowers started to really take off in peoples minds. I grew a dutch passion cheese auto strain(can't remember exactly which one) and I yielded 3zips and an 1/8th under a 600w hps for my first grow in a 5gallon DWC. My buddy that helped me start growing was absolutely mind blown that I was able to get that much with an auto. Then a few grows later I grew 2 diesel berries and got 3.5 zips per plant and it was under 12/12 for around 8 weeks of its life, while ALSO losing both of the top nugs of the plants due to heat issues and white mold. easily half ounce tops. So basically 4 zip diesel berry plants. Now the genetics has been crazyyyyy. SO much change in such little time. said...

"Buds were not very dense, which has cursed me throughout my hydro growing career. I love playing in the water, but I have to give the nod to soil and coco for rock hard trophy-nugs."

I'm not sure why you have been cursed in this way but I am telling you right now you can get rock hard dense hydro nugs. It all has to do with genetics, heat, lighting. There's so many factors for me to even list. One of the most dense nugs I've ever grown was delicious seeds cotton candy. it was a freebie seed and I grew it out with 15 other plants under 2 1000w hps lights. In the end that one plant yielded 6 ounces. It is still to this day my biggest yield out of 1 plant. especially with 15 others in the was mind blowing. That thing had a yield that looked like 3 zips but because it was so rock hard and dense it was 6 zips! It was crazy.

Basically what I'm trying to say is this...genetics plays a huge part but also the type of nutrients and amount of light you put on them matters too.

Anyways...Great grow and keep it up. Don't wait to the fall! Time wasted is not good in growing. You can never get it back!
Thanks to all for the kind words!
I've been busier than hell with life, for a month or so, and it may ramp up again, if I start a new job next week. We are living 100% off grid for the summer, in the high desert. Should be an interesting experience. Not sure I will grow again until fall. I know it borders on blaspheme, but I don't wanna be a slave to plants all summer!
Luckily, the Double Grape haul should last us till fall, when I will surely be firing up the lights again.
Now that I say that, I'll probably pop beans next week. Lol. You never know!
Regards, Kyle