New Grower One Pound + autoflower Club

hey, first time here or any where for that matter, but ive read alot of these type of sites and use for putting together and extracting knowledge. basically read aloooot find common ideas or more so what the majority have in common then mabey apply what ever i see seems to work for the collective.
most of the time gets me in the ballpark to play with my own hands on learning.
i mean ok topping is silly but fimming works very well
fimming along with proper defoliating works very very well
fimming ,defoliating, tieing, and pinching to produce a 2-3 ft tall and 4ft WIDE auto works very very very well

MY BEST SO FAR IS 1/2 lb +
I ROUTINELY GET 1/4 LB FROM 1 AUTO worst being 2+ oz
i just grow 1 or 2 autos at a time
i use( 1 ) t-5 ho 4ft 8-light with full range of grow to bloom ho bulbs (per plant)
18 on 6 off a constant
hydroponic 2 or 3 gal buckets rockwool and clay pebble
high power air pumps good stones ( i really sock the o2 to my buckets) end result super white roots a must
close observation of ph and nutes 5.5 ph usually 1/2 strength on product feeding charts

oh yeah my genetics top notch
some faves
superdwarf , auto bluetooth , auto russian #2, auto NL,

my end product is swelled resin glands and sugar galore properly dried and cured in glass with average thc of at least 15%-20%

and 10 WATT FULL SPECTRUM LEDs thrown in the mix as of only 2days ago
so hopefully i will have some new tech reviews of my own by the end of this grow)

anyway would love to here if anyone has any common or not so common results i guess
thanks for your time
Good luck @pop22 ! I did say I was gonna try and meet ya at the finish line, but I haven't had the $$ for new equipment (aside from a veg bulb). I do have a horse in the race though, gonna try two F.E. in a big ceramic bathtub outdoors. Can't wait to see how everything goes for ya - :weed::peace::weed:
What this is really about, is that we can maximize the production of the space we have available, no matter what size area. A 4'x4' area can yield up to 2 pounds, given the right strain and grow techniques. This is what people in legal states should be looking into, meeting your needs with the fewest plants possible! Everyone should make this attempt, if only to sharpen your skills!
What this is really about, is that we can maximize the production of the space we have available, no matter what size area. A 4'x4' area can yield up to 2 pounds, given the right strain and grow techniques. This is what people in legal states should be looking into, meeting your needs with the fewest plants possible! Everyone should make this attempt, if only to sharpen your skills!

Agreed; my grow space is unlikely to ever be very big, and my tiny under 2 sq. feet box is all I will have to work with for the foreseeable future. Rather than seeing this as a negative, I'd like to focus on the notion that sometimes big things can come in small packages, with the right combination of effort and genetics.
Any new one pound grows on AFN? If not, I'm planning a grow a pound group grow! It will be a bit yet, got to clear the grow room, 3-4 weeks.
what I'm hoping for is 5-10 people to do a simultaneous grow so we can compare notes and help each other quickly. Wouldn't you love to be a part of a group that pulls in 10+ pounds?

So lets start with suggestions and comments. Lets build this concept together and see if we can do this!

I suggest that we all grow the same strain. or if that's not feasible, grow a strain you feel has the potential. We also need to decide if we want to do autos or photos.

And feel free to pm me if you need to!
If you have the space and enough light, you can do it! Now hydro would give us the best chance, but I'm convinced it can be done in soil too! My YDB didn't do it, but I was pushing that strain to her limits as it was. There are several autos that could do it though.

Look at the plants in my grow room right now. one is 43" tall! In a ONE gallon pot! What's in the pot? a very simple organic soil mix:

5 gallons of Black soil
5 gallons of recycled soil ( not needed, you can add a bag of organic potting soil instead )
2 gallons composted cow or steer manure

and here's where i differ from most soil mixes
substitute coco coir from peat moss or perlite
a brick of coir is cheap and it makes many gallons! coco hold both water and air well, and the micro life loves it too!
add 3 gallons of coco coir to this mix

2 cups lime
1/2 cup epsom Salts ( don't be fooled, there is no difference if its from the pharmacy or the grow shop )
I would love to do tho but I can't get an ounce with my luck lol