New Grower One Pound + autoflower Club

Hey! Thanks! And yes I saw this actually. Grow Weed Easy is a great site, one of my favorites! And that’s the first Massive Midget that I've seen that was truly Massive! Wooooooooooo! 19 freaking ounces! :drool:

This would be me :smoking:
I finished this grow the same time the old site went down, so it went pretty much unnoticed. As soon as I posted the final results on our new site, it quickly got buried.
I still stand by this number, although it may be off by a 1/4 oz. + or _ . I want to thank DWCocha for guiding me in to the finish, and all the others on AFN for their help and advise! Not as much hydro info here compared to soil, but that will probably change with time.
I harvested a little early even though the plant went way over the the the advertized finish time, and wish I would have waited for a little more amber.
The smoke is decent, and nothing to brag about, but it definitely will keep me until my next harvest. :biggrin:
Anyway, It's hard to dispute the power of hydro. I don't think a first grow could break any records in soil. ( well maybe TaNg :eyebrows:)
My next grow has just germinated. 2 Sweet Train Wreck, and one Advanced Auto Skunk 47. One of the T.W. didn't germ because I broke it open by over sanding... (lesson learned). So I popped in the Skunk to replace it. Also decided to cut way back on my lighting. Going to use only the A-51's and maybe some supplemental CFL's towards the end of the grow. This will reduce my output wattage by more than 50%. (Obviously the grams per watt usage didn't break any records with the M.M.). So it will be interesting to see what my next harvest will deliver.
Also, going to switch to Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A@B, and Bloom A@B. Hope the automatic P.H. works as advertized.
Here is a link to the M.M. grow.
I'll start posting my Train Wreck and Skunk soon. Thanks All ! :smokeout:
So how many mason jars will you need to store the one pound? Might want to order early. :biggrin:
Gmgoef, that was truly impressive. Sorry I missed it the first time.

Thanks! A one quart jar holds about an ounce of dry--- + or - .
(Get the wide mouth jars)
Only thing I don't like about them is the glass, When you handle them a lot it increases your chance of breaking one. I did. Luckily it was empty:biggrin:
This would be me :smoking:
I finished this grow the same time the old site went down, so it went pretty much unnoticed. As soon as I posted the final results on our new site, it quickly got buried.
I still stand by this number, although it may be off by a 1/4 oz. + or _ . I want to thank DWCocha for guiding me in to the finish, and all the others on AFN for their help and advise! Not as much hydro info here compared to soil, but that will probably change with time.
I harvested a little early even though the plant went way over the the the advertized finish time, and wish I would have waited for a little more amber.
The smoke is decent, and nothing to brag about, but it definitely will keep me until my next harvest. :biggrin:
Anyway, It's hard to dispute the power of hydro. I don't think a first grow could break any records in soil. ( well maybe TaNg :eyebrows:)
My next grow has just germinated. 2 Sweet Train Wreck, and one Advanced Auto Skunk 47. One of the T.W. didn't germ because I broke it open by over sanding... (lesson learned). So I popped in the Skunk to replace it. Also decided to cut way back on my lighting. Going to use only the A-51's and maybe some supplemental CFL's towards the end of the grow. This will reduce my output wattage by more than 50%. (Obviously the grams per watt usage didn't break any records with the M.M.). So it will be interesting to see what my next harvest will deliver.
Also, going to switch to Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A@B, and Bloom A@B. Hope the automatic P.H. works as advertized.
Here is a link to the M.M. grow.
I'll start posting my Train Wreck and Skunk soon. Thanks All ! :smokeout:

Well, another week in the spotlight.

Apparently her partner, saw other photos I sent in and didn't realize it was the same as last weeks. IDK I only sent one email and photos.
( those $1.00 clothes hangers sure work great ) :thumbsup:
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One day if the good lord willing. I am going to use microbialmunch tarantula and voo doo and piraña when the rootball is developing hopefully dial it in and get huge ass root balls and maybe a one pounder