And heres a couple shots of the solo twins...
Which one is clawing? This one ☝️? It looks ok I don’t see nitrogen toxicity just a little overwatered with puffy leaves.
Heres a closer overhead shot, shes quite a bit darker than the other 2 babies, but i dont think its nute (n) related unless this plant is stupid sensitive.
I think its overwatering, cause im a noob trying something different
I think shes had a grand total of .25gram of megacrop per gallon of h20, i dont think anything else ive used has the extra nitrogen in it.
I kinda think it could also be the soil, cause the other 2 babies kinda have had weird nute related hiccups but im not puttin very much in em in the ways of nutes

Edit- i have been checking ph, im averaging anywhere from 6.0 - 6.8, letting it drift through that range. I dont think thats it either
I think shes had a grand total of .25gram of megacrop per gallon of h20, i dont think anything else ive used has the extra nitrogen in it.
I kinda think it could also be the soil, cause the other 2 babies kinda have had weird nute related hiccups but im not puttin very much in em in the ways of nutes
Ya it could have a time release nutrients. With autos those don’t seem to have the right timing as autos flower in 30 days. Excessive nitrogen and a lack of P/K once in flower.
Im using roots organic this round, and im not gettin that warm fuzzy feelin from it like i did the kindsoil and coco loco.
I know this makes me wanna get my bubblebucket up and running that much quicker lol. But my stupid seedling isnt growing any yet, hasnt even opened its baby leaves fully yet.
So much impatience!
I use coco so I’m not sure what type of solution to use to fix the issue if any. My last grow I had excess nitrogen on one of my plants almost the entire grow but I never had clawing just the dark greenish blue leaves.

I would try and research that medium as much as possible. See what others are doing with it. You’ll be fine bro don’t sweat it!