Day 22- so i wanna show off el today. I dont understand plants at all lol.
So shes a tall girl, she stretched quite a bit, doesnt seem to be too leggy tho, her stalk is nice and firm no droopy or bending from weight.
The weird thing to me is that she was closest to the light and stretched way more than the other 2 melh babies.
Eh, not even a thing to worry about, im kinda hoping that el gets 5 foot tall!
Anywho, here she is in all her glory!View attachment 1081464 View attachment 1081465
Damn bro she's huge for that young wowzer hella good job
Day 21- all is truckin along.
Here we got hubbabubbasmelloscope, shes starting to show sex!
Her baby leaves and 1st of fan leaves had yellowed up so i went ahead and plucked em, other than that not a lick of training or defol.
Im staying strong, gonna let em do their own thing.
2 of the 3 babies are being touchy with the nutes so im gonna run back the recharge and go water only for a spell.View attachment 1081127 View attachment 1081133
Are you finding that you need to use way less nutes with the recharge added?
I dont know if id say i use less because of the recharge, my feed regimen is already stupid light lol.
A thing i am noticing right now tho is 2 of the 3 mephisto babies dont seem to enjoy the megacrop at all.
Actually its probs a combo of the roots organic soil being maybe a lil hot and then the megacrop.
When ive added any mc at all i get a lil tip burn.
When i do the recharge tho the girls all perk up.
I think i may switch off the nutes entirely and do recharge feeds at the start of the week, molasses at midweek, and water only at the end of the week.
I dont know if id say i use less because of the recharge, my feed regimen is already stupid light lol.
A thing i am noticing right now tho is 2 of the 3 mephisto babies dont seem to enjoy the megacrop at all.
Actually its probs a combo of the roots organic soil being maybe a lil hot and then the megacrop.
When ive added any mc at all i get a lil tip burn.
When i do the recharge tho the girls all perk up.
I think i may switch off the nutes entirely and do recharge feeds at the start of the week, molasses at midweek, and water only at the end of the week.
Sounds good. Less is sometimes better if you're getting burn
Day 22- so i think element 115(cosmic queen x 24k) is going in to preflower. At day 22 lol.
I dont even know what she is doing anymore. The other babies look way more traditional at day 22 but el is just blowing up.
If shes in preflower that could explain her extra sensitivity to the nutes probably the N.
Im gonna give her a day or so to make sure shes actually there, and then ill do another round of recharge followed by molasses and maybe something for calmag.
Keep on keepin on el!
Ya can see the new growth on a couple bud sites, its got that wild, hairy button kinda look instead of just new leaves.
Day 22- so i think element 115(cosmic queen x 24k) is going in to preflower. At day 22 lol.
I dont even know what she is doing anymore. The other babies look way more traditional at day 22 but el is just blowing up.
If shes in preflower that could explain her extra sensitivity to the nutes probably the N.
Im gonna give her a day or so to make sure shes actually there, and then ill do another round of recharge followed by molasses and maybe something for calmag.
Keep on keepin on el!
Ya can see the new growth on a couple bud sites, its got that wild, hairy button kinda look instead of just new leaves.View attachment 1081692

Thats the 24K coming out.....Hardcore Indica.
So this is one of those unrelated to this grow posts, i know errrybody luvs those lol....
Germination. I am having the worst "luck" now with germinating muh seeds.
I am currently on day 5 waiting on any one of 4 seeds to pop. I am trying 2 seeds using the mephisto way, and 2 seeds directly into starter pods.
Not a peep from any of em. Im not doing so great, if this round doesnt pop then im 5 outta 14 over the last month or so. Thats no bueno :(
Hopefully now that ive complained to the universe maybe one of the seeds will pop, i wanna try out this mystery bean something fierce.
If nothings come up tomorrow im gonna switch back and try a couple more mephisto beans ive still got. Daddy is gonna get his hydro up and running!!
They don’t need to be soaking wet... just enough moisture will make them pop. Heat also works and domes over the seed sites.
Yeah what he said. Seeds will actually pop faster in a warmer than normal climate. I always turn down the exhaust and let em get to about 80-83 in my tent with lights on, but I have "perfected" that paper towel method lol so that might have something to do with it.