Indoor Nice Option's Garden of Intergalactic Delights

I hope they turn out like you say, i figure to maximise the efficiency, time over money spent etc.... and really test the Skysaber LED's, lets give the girls the means to go crazy.

I got a bit pop happy the other day though... so er... few more than expected lol. Damn the fine breeders of today! I am looking to see if it can surpass 1.4g per watt like the 600 and 400 did on my first grow.

I have come along a bit since then so hope i can do the genetics, lights, plant and space justice.

They say you can use airpots over and over so i want to see how many uses about 15 bucks gets you. I have only grown in fabric pots, so im interested to see how this goes.

and yeah sorry, its going to be indoors in a 5ft X 5ft tent... tasty!

I am almost all ready to go with the setup.

If you want some big plants I'd really recommend the Fast Buds Tangie. Pulled 8 zips from one and it was my first auto grow. Made so many mistake but delivered a fantastic smoke, great yield and massive plant. Would be good for training as she's pretty branchy. Took about 80 days I think. Benefitted massively from a long, long cure. She's like a fresh ground fruity coffee with orange rind. Nice giggly buzz, pretty up but not racy. Feels like more of a balanced hybrid than a pure sativa but according to fast buds it's all sativa apart from the rudi.

In all honesty I suspect the 30l might be little on the big side for you but with some heavy training you could be in for a massive yield.

the girls loving life there mate.

Excuse me whilst i mop up the drool... what a pick of beans mate you have done yourself proud. I had my eyes on the mandarin cookies and crystal cookies V2 but . ithink that was a different breedeer!

Durban poison is one of my favourite sativas.


Thanks! I've been lusting after the Mandarin Cookies for a while now. Everything else was a bonus really although I suspect the SAGE is pretty great.

Also a big fan of the Durban. We grew up smoking it a lot as my childhood friend's dad was a grower who was from SA originally. He actually now lives in BCN and runs a couple of seed banks, Concrete Jungle (more commercial new school stuff) and Seeds Of Africa which are all landraces he sourced.

We had no idea that we were probably smoking some pretty special stuff, totally wasted it mixing it all with tobacco of course but we were young and dumb! I spoke to him recently though and he said not to bother trying to grow it indoors, way too wild and he only has her in greenhouses.

For obvious personal reasons I'd love to try some of his genetics but I'm not bothered about his versions of US stuff, lots of cookies and gelato things. The usual sort of stuff. It's a shame but I think that's just what the market demands out there and I reckon most of his business is wholesale.

He's working on hybridising some of the landraces though which will be pretty interesting I think. Definitely one to watch out for.

Not new at all brother, but am just a hobby grower and its my first full auto run. It has a lot pros if i can grow some hefty autos, like this grow if i had to lights off 12 hrs a day my garden would die from mould lol.. its a sticky summer where i live around 70% humidity.. so inside lights off and after couple hours its 100%! Lol... And i can veg + flower in the same room.

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We've had a terrible summer this year, really cold but it's been great for the garden! Since switching to the LEDs i've found temps much easier to control but boy oh boy, when I had the HPS in there it was aaaaaaaalll over the place. Great for yield but it did mean I was always busy in the garden at night which was a bit of drag for social life and my GF wasn't a fan of my being stuck in the garden every evening.
We've had a terrible summer this year, really cold but it's been great for the garden! Since switching to the LEDs i've found temps much easier to control but boy oh boy, when I had the HPS in there it was aaaaaaaalll over the place. Great for yield but it did mean I was always busy in the garden at night which was a bit of drag for social life and my GF wasn't a fan of my being stuck in the garden every evening.
LOL its so hot and humid at summertime that the a\c is on at least 12 hours a day.. and that's on a good day.. we sleep with main a\c on every day.. so i just put a 2 meters ducting from the a\c shutter to the tent. I get "free" air conditioning and it never gets above 27c . LEDs are so expensive here. to light up my 4x4 tent with COBs.. i'd need to spend an equivalent amount to $1500 in my currency.. when a 600w hps with cooltube and choke goes for $250.. bah
LOL its so hot and humid at summertime that the a\c is on at least 12 hours a day.. and that's on a good day.. we sleep with main a\c on every day.. so i just put a 2 meters ducting from the a\c shutter to the tent. I get "free" air conditioning and it never gets above 27c . LEDs are so expensive here. to light up my 4x4 tent with COBs.. i'd need to spend an equivalent amount to $1500 in my currency.. when a 600w hps with cooltube and choke goes for $250.. bah
Nope, they're not cheap. They do pay for themselves quite quickly in running costs though. I have 2 x Telos 0010s, bought one brand new and one from a friend (although it was also brand new - his circumstances changed and didn't have a need for it literally right after he bought it so I saved £100) but both lights combined still cost £940.
I just have to look at it in how much I'd be spending on buying meds though, that's like 2.5 months worth of buying black market weed that doesn't work well for my needs, so it's not too bad and my running costs of both tents is the same as one HPS tent.

But yeah, I mean... it's still a lot. They are well built lights though and match the 600w HPS in every aspect whilst giving out almost no heat.

Cobs are worth it if you're in the US but there's no one making decent ones in the UK, i have a friend who's had massive problems from his cobs that he got here which has basically stuffed his grow for a few cycles and now he's on HPS with great results.

DAY 20

HGK and CK both beginning to really spring into action now. Lots of tucking for now and nothing else.






Little HGK which will probably be potted up tomorrow. Could go a little longer but I have more time tomorrow as it's a public holiday over here and figured it'll be easier to get some work done in the garden tomorrow.


After potting up I'll give her a few more days to settle in then top at the 4th again.

Here's our little-r HGK. Not doing much. Dunno what's going on with her, hoping she pulls through as it's far too late to germ another now.


Dropped a Ghost Stomper for the auto tent and I reckon she might ruin my 100% Mephisto germ rate. Not a hint of action in there. Probably my fault for not storing her properly but she might surprise us. Been spoiled in the past with lightening speed germs on the Mephs so maybe she'll just take a few days.


Love your work niceoption.
Whats your setup and nutes like?

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Thank you!

Telos0010 300w LED hanging in both Bud Box Pro tents. Canna Pro Coco with a little perlite. Fed on Shogun coco full line up with Mammoth P and Great White amendments with RO water. Extraction and filter are 125mm RAM.

Love love LOVE the Shogun. I was on General Hydro Trio before and had no idea how crap it was until I switched. Difference is night and day.

Thank you!

Telos0010 300w LED hanging in both Bud Box Pro tents. Canna Pro Coco with a little perlite. Fed on Shogun coco full line up with Mammoth P and Great White amendments with RO water. Extraction and filter are 125mm RAM.

Love love LOVE the Shogun. I was on General Hydro Trio before and had no idea how crap it was until I switched. Difference is night and day.

Youre so lucky to have all these brands.

All we have where I live is Canna, GHE, AN, Atami, House and Garden, Bio nova, Hesi, Grotek and some local brands.. I use Canna coco a+b along with cal mag and flower with big bid and overdrive. Any advices maybe on a better simple lineup out of these brands mate?

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DAY 19

CK looks super healthy and showing a little prayer towards the Grow Northern gods.




Had a little treat yo'self evening last night whilst my girlfriend was out.

Had a lil' nug of the Critical Kush, tastes so good without a cure already. I can't wait for to see what she's like after a month. Terpy and super smooth. Totally white ash. Really happy with this one


Finally decided on the next run of plants and made an order through Simply Souveniers.

Ordered a 5 pack of S.A.G.E bred by Adam Dunn for TH Seeds. He often refers to this as his desert island strain and still a daily smoke of his apparently.

"S.A.G.E. stands for Sativa Afghani Genetic Equilibrium, it is a well balanced Haze crossed with a robust indica strain. Containing over 20% THC it took 2nd place in the blind test at the 2001 Cannabis Cup. Spicy sandalwood flavor combined with a long lasting and uplifting high make this the plant for those who like the best."

A 6 pack of Mandarin Cookies V2 from Ethos Genetics

"Sweet citrus and diesel flavors come together in this strain, a breeding project from Ethos in Colorado. Crossing Forum Cut Cookies with Mandarin Sunset, Mandarin Cookies’ tasty terpene profile has won multiple concentrate awards. The high is sedate and calming, making this strain a great choice for an after-dinner dessert with friends that doesn’t glue you to the couch."

They have deal on with TH Seeds that gives you a free 2 pack of Bubblegum (the strain that put them on the map in 1993)

On top of that, you also get a 2 pack of Critical Hog from them.

"Critical HOG[emoji769] is a commercial grower's dream. Critical HOG[emoji769] is very easy to grow with a huge yield. The Tennessee HOG[emoji769] (via San Diego) High Times Indica Cannabis Cup winner meets the Basque Country's Critical Mass (numerous Spanish Cannabis Competitions Winner). Due to the huge buds make sure the room is well ventilated and if grown outdoors keep out of the heavy late season rain falls."

Aaaaaaand with every Ethos pack you get a choice of 2 free regs of Zsweet OG or Black Fire Roze (I went for the Sweet OG) - not sure of the genetics but I believe she's Durban Poison X Rainmaker (Citral Skunk x Mandarin) crossed with Colin's OG.

On top of that, you get 8 free lucky dip fems, some extra freebies and free shipping in the UK.

Not bad eh!?

Not bad at all! Love the descriptions of those strains, Nice! Looks like a divers and delicious smorgasbord of flavors and effects!

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Youre so lucky to have all these brands.

All we have where I live is Canna, GHE, AN, Atami, House and Garden, Bio nova, Hesi, Grotek and some local brands.. I use Canna coco a+b along with cal mag and flower with big bid and overdrive. Any advices maybe on a better simple lineup out of these brands mate?

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I'm not sure to be honest, I've not got much experience with the nute brands, i can only say what I did and didn't like. The GH did a good enough job. Yield was there and density was good but terps were flatter and I always ran into defs that I've not with the Shogun. I felt like the GH didn't flush out quite as cleanly either.
I'm in the UK so most of it is available although the cost can be pretty eye watering on some of the American stuff, namely Mammoth P although it lasts a very long time.

Great White is worth hunting down if you can, it's pretty widely available and the cost is fair. Seen a lot of people using Canna with good results so I wouldn't worry, it's tried and tested stuff although I reckon you're right to be adding those AN additions. I used Big Bud for a bit and i'm sure it helped.

Not bad at all! Love the descriptions of those strains, Nice! Looks like a divers and delicious smorgasbord of flavors and effects!

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Should be an exciting year in the garden! Still got my eye on a few more though. Apparently I have a problem.
