Indoor Nice Option's Garden of Intergalactic Delights

Hey guys, been a little bit of break in posts, partly due to AFN going down and partly due to me going on holiday.
Just a quick general update to let you know I'm still here pluggin' away!

I was away for two weeks and so decided to put the girls into the autopot system. I actually grow in the fabric pots that are supplied with the system I bought, so in theory it's just a case of dropping the pots in to the system, filling up the res and away we go. Naturally things didn't go so smoothly and it was leaking all over the place at the last minute.
Luckily for me I have a very kind friend who was happy to come over every few days and give them a feed. She could only visit every 3-4 days so they were obviously not getting ideal amounts of food or water, but they fared better than I'd expected and I came back to a some surprisingly happy looking plants in jungle-mode.

So we're on DAY 58 for the Critical Kush (in the back)
Day 46 for CDLC (front right)
Day 52 for NYCD (front left)


Everyone's loving the Shogun ferts. Not a hint of tox or def anywhere. First time I've transitioned to flower and not seen any calmag issues anywhere. Leaves are a good shade and have a nice glossy sheen to them. Buds are forming nicely (except on the NYCD again - I think this strain's got some issues and it looks like Barney's have removed it from sale now) but I'll persevere with it.

Just given the Critical a dose of the shogun PK booster which I'll run full strength for a week then drop off.

In other news, I bought a second hand but unused Telos 0010 from a fellow grower on instagram a couple of weeks back so I'll be adding another tent to the room soon. Just replicating the same set up with a 1x1 bud box pro, ram fan and filter etc. Only difference is, I'll be growing some photos! @Froot n Fuel and I have been conspiring to have a little side by side grow of some Holy Grail Kush by DNA so I'll start a new thread for that in a couple of weeks once I've got the new one set up.

I'll update properly on each of the girls shortly.

looking good dude excited to see ya grow some photos what ph ya feeding at with the shogun coco
Hey guys, been a little bit of break in posts, partly due to AFN going down and partly due to me going on holiday.
Just a quick general update to let you know I'm still here pluggin' away!

I was away for two weeks and so decided to put the girls into the autopot system. I actually grow in the fabric pots that are supplied with the system I bought, so in theory it's just a case of dropping the pots in to the system, filling up the res and away we go. Naturally things didn't go so smoothly and it was leaking all over the place at the last minute.
Luckily for me I have a very kind friend who was happy to come over every few days and give them a feed. She could only visit every 3-4 days so they were obviously not getting ideal amounts of food or water, but they fared better than I'd expected and I came back to a some surprisingly happy looking plants in jungle-mode.

So we're on DAY 58 for the Critical Kush (in the back)
Day 46 for CDLC (front right)
Day 52 for NYCD (front left)


Everyone's loving the Shogun ferts. Not a hint of tox or def anywhere. First time I've transitioned to flower and not seen any calmag issues anywhere. Leaves are a good shade and have a nice glossy sheen to them. Buds are forming nicely (except on the NYCD again - I think this strain's got some issues and it looks like Barney's have removed it from sale now) but I'll persevere with it.

Just given the Critical a dose of the shogun PK booster which I'll run full strength for a week then drop off.

In other news, I bought a second hand but unused Telos 0010 from a fellow grower on instagram a couple of weeks back so I'll be adding another tent to the room soon. Just replicating the same set up with a 1x1 bud box pro, ram fan and filter etc. Only difference is, I'll be growing some photos! @Froot n Fuel and I have been conspiring to have a little side by side grow of some Holy Grail Kush by DNA so I'll start a new thread for that in a couple of weeks once I've got the new one set up.

I'll update properly on each of the girls shortly.


What's up, Nice! Glad to hear you made through two weeks away and are feeling good about things in the tent. Friends like that are priceless!

I came across that Holy Grail at a local dispensary a couple years back. It still is one of the best indicas I have ever had. Powerful stuff that lifted my mood and then nestled me softly to rest! I would love to try to grow it out one day!

Tag me in when you start that thread, brother!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
looking good dude excited to see ya grow some photos what ph ya feeding at with the shogun coco

Thanks buddy, me too! I'm ordering a few more bits on Thursday and then should be setting it up on the weekend. The Shogun's going in at 5.8 - 6.0 My meter's been off for a bit so I've just recalibrated it to get a more precise reading. Don't want to get it wrong at this stage.

Shogun's not the cheapest but honestly it's the best thing I've ever used. I don't really understand what this "Aqua Zen" thing is but it does seem to work. Really even saturation through the coco and as I said, not a word of complaint from the plants. I'm also using Mammoth P in there which might be helping, but I'm sure it's more effective in soil than coco. Gonna try out some living soil in the new year so I'm slowly amassing the things I'll need for that. Gets pretty expensive so I'm trying to spread out my purchases over a few months.

What's up, Nice! Glad to hear you made through two weeks away and are feeling good about things in the tent. Friends like that are priceless!

I came across that Holy Grail at a local dispensary a couple years back. It still is one of the best indicas I have ever had. Powerful stuff that lifted my mood and then nestled me softly to rest! I would love to try to grow it out one day!

Tag me in when you start that thread, brother!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

That's great to hear! I've not tried it but have only heard fantastic things. I just don't feel like the kushes I've grown have been especially kushy, wanted to give this a go and should be a decent yield to keep me going for a while. I've not heard a single negative thing about this strain and I always reach for a heavy indica in the colder months as my fibro really plays up then. I should think these would be harvested and a cured by Christmas, after which I'll do another photo run but choose a sativa instead, choosing photos is not an easy task with all the options out there but I'd love to try out some of Bodhi's gear as well as many others.

Had some pretty wild results from the Zkittlez in the bubble bags.

Here is the 73

I'll be warming up the rig shortly :hookah:


thats some greasy resin very nice hard to beat some good bubble
DAY 74

Sorry for the lack of updates, real life's been busy. Things are calming down now...

Anyway, here's Critical Kush from Barney's about a week away from the chop. She's got 2 more feeds before she's on flush.

I'm now using just the Sumo and the Dragon Force from shogun and there's been clear development in the final push. Calyxs are swelling by the day and part of me would like to take her a bit further but the trichs are telling me it's time to chop. I don't want to go too amber on this one as I understand it's a pretty heavy couchlocking stone as it is.


Smells great, quite gassy and floral, with a citrusy, piney kush thing. Quite a complex profile. I'm surprised how well she's done as I didn't have much hope for her. Not the frostiest but they seem like nice dense nugs and hopefully that smells carries through the dry and cure. They also grew too close to the light whilst I was away, I think that's resulted in slightly less resin production as the lower buds are much frostier. It's also caused the uppermost buds to continue chucking white pistils which will probably hurt the bag appeal a bit but shouldn't effect the smoke too much I wouldn't think.

Considering she was in someone else's hands for 2 weeks who had never even seen a cannabis plant before, I think she's done very well.

Not bad a freebie!

In other news, I set up a whole new tent for photoperiods.

Got a 1m x 1m budbox pro white, telos 0010, RAM extraction.

Popped 3 Holy Grail Kush from DNA and 1 Cataract Kush (freebie) Only one sprout from the HGK, CK is also up.

I was a bit disappointed with the germ rate, let DNA know via email and hey presto, a few days later they send another pack for free. Great service from those guys. Replacement beans are soaking now so they should only be a week behind the others. Hopefully it won't through things out too much, I want to keep everyone on the same schedule or watering will become a real pain in the arse.

Some boring pics for you at day 5:





Out the gate the CK clearly has more vigour but it's early days obviously!

They're in coco and being fed with Shogun Start and Kitana Roots already. Super happy with the shogun/mammoth p/great white combo so I won't use anything else whilst I'm growing with nutes. Once these are done I'm going to run some more photos in organic soil to compare. If I'm happy with the results I'll make the full switch. Sick of buying nutes and I feel less connected to the plants when I'm just chucking salts at them.

I was gonna start a new thread for these but it's probably best to just keep it all in here. What do ya'll reckon?

DAY 74

Sorry for the lack of updates, real life's been busy. Things are calming down now...

Anyway, here's Critical Kush from Barney's about a week away from the chop. She's got 2 more feeds before she's on flush.

I'm now using just the Sumo and the Dragon Force from shogun and there's been clear development in the final push. Calyxs are swelling by the day and part of me would like to take her a bit further but the trichs are telling me it's time to chop. I don't want to go too amber on this one as I understand it's a pretty heavy couchlocking stone as it is.


Smells great, quite gassy and floral, with a citrusy, piney kush thing. Quite a complex profile. I'm surprised how well she's done as I didn't have much hope for her. Not the frostiest but they seem like nice dense nugs and hopefully that smells carries through the dry and cure. They also grew too close to the light whilst I was away, I think that's resulted in slightly less resin production as the lower buds are much frostier. It's also caused the uppermost buds to continue chucking white pistils which will probably hurt the bag appeal a bit but shouldn't effect the smoke too much I wouldn't think.

Considering she was in someone else's hands for 2 weeks who had never even seen a cannabis plant before, I think she's done very well.

Not bad a freebie!

Looking great Nice!
And welcome to the photoperiod dark side :muahaha:
In other news, I set up a whole new tent for photoperiods.

Got a 1m x 1m budbox pro white, telos 0010, RAM extraction.

Popped 3 Holy Grail Kush from DNA and 1 Cataract Kush (freebie) Only one sprout from the HGK, CK is also up.

I was a bit disappointed with the germ rate, let DNA know via email and hey presto, a few days later they send another pack for free. Great service from those guys. Replacement beans are soaking now so they should only be a week behind the others. Hopefully it won't through things out too much, I want to keep everyone on the same schedule or watering will become a real pain in the arse.

Some boring pics for you at day 5:





Out the gate the CK clearly has more vigour but it's early days obviously!

They're in coco and being fed with Shogun Start and Kitana Roots already. Super happy with the shogun/mammoth p/great white combo so I won't use anything else whilst I'm growing with nutes. Once these are done I'm going to run some more photos in organic soil to compare. If I'm happy with the results I'll make the full switch. Sick of buying nutes and I feel less connected to the plants when I'm just chucking salts at them.

I was gonna start a new thread for these but it's probably best to just keep it all in here. What do ya'll reckon?

Nicely done! I have just returned from holidays and I didn’t have anyone to sit my plants so I used a Bluemat system to water for me. I was quite concerned about it but I did return to still growing plants. I’m afraid my Mephisto SODK has run a bit too long but it wasn’t ready when I left so she flushed for 12 days and will get chopped tonight.

I’m also looking into photoperiods and the leap into that side of growing but it’s a considerable expense to replicate a setup rather than just switch using one tent. I’d be looking at breeding photos and keeping a mother or two so one tent won’t work the way I’d like it.

For now, I’m also looking into organic soils rather than nutes. It will take me awhile to decide how I’ll do that as I can’t mess up my grows. I have people I give part of my harvest to for medicinal use. Anyway, keep us up to date with your progress, I’d like to see how things are going. Best of luck
Nicely done! I have just returned from holidays and I didn’t have anyone to sit my plants so I used a Bluemat system to water for me. I was quite concerned about it but I did return to still growing plants. I’m afraid my Mephisto SODK has run a bit too long but it wasn’t ready when I left so she flushed for 12 days and will get chopped tonight.

I’m also looking into photoperiods and the leap into that side of growing but it’s a considerable expense to replicate a setup rather than just switch using one tent. I’d be looking at breeding photos and keeping a mother or two so one tent won’t work the way I’d like it.

For now, I’m also looking into organic soils rather than nutes. It will take me awhile to decide how I’ll do that as I can’t mess up my grows. I have people I give part of my harvest to for medicinal use. Anyway, keep us up to date with your progress, I’d like to see how things are going. Best of luck

hey dude, just read through your post!!

Im in the midst of doing the same as you!

Im going to have 4 mothers in soil and then put the clones in DWC in another tent where they can veg and flower.

Let me know what you decide on mothers!! Would be nice for a diff perspective on medical strains.

Still keeping my small tent for autos as i can get about 800g in there if genetics are solid.

Keep up the good work and peace.