Lighting NG420 & the Skysaber 640w adventure

Orange bud:

I have never smoked orange bud before so im really looking forward to this.

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I think these nodes should fill out ok

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Purple Punch:

The buds on this are already so dense and swelling quick! Ok, another non purple pheno, but i don't mind atall. Still a great structure and i think will give me a decent yield after adjusting the tie downs every other day, or you would run the risk of maybe a third of larf with this pheno.


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Bubba Island Kush DWC DP DAY 25:

I am ecstatic to flip this girl into flower next week! It says she has a short 7 week flower cycle and i am going to take two cuttings just incase she is a diamond. Never done that before!! As you know there is a soil of the same strain about a week behind this, depending on the ease of the grow and the yield i may be going full DWC for the photos then possibly the autos.

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Moving onto the 10L:


I think this girl has had a rough ride... lets see if she can give me atleast an ounce... saying that... she absolutely reeks!!


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Night Queen 3:

The biggest of the 10L, i think she is gonna be really impressive!!

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Strawberry Nuggets:

i have been careful with this little girl, i didn't want to defoliate too much so she has been tied down and leaf tucked and has paid me back with some really cool growth!! Her growth looks healthy, i am really curious to see what she yields, hopefully more than 50g of dried bud!

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Really cool shot from the top of the plant.
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The Goldilocks Zone:

This girl is a little on the small side but is a frost monster! Im concentrating on fattening her up good and proper, she is moving fast so i might put her on PK for a week or so now then follow it up with overdrive for around 10-14 followed by a week flush... taking us to around day 70-77.


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That's the lot for now folks!

DAY 56

These ladies are ripping through now, they have been put on PK for this week, so time to get JUICY!!! The saber is really shining, the quality of light is going to give me some tremendously resin rich buds. Fingers crossed!!


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Cookie 1:

Some nice boulder type buds forming here

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Cookie 2:

The second cookie is dense in foliage and internodes.

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One of the leggiest girls in town, haha she's such a thirsty girl!I think she will take a week longer than the rest

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Beautiful buds on her

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Orange Bud:

maybe leave this girl another week or so too


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