Autoflower RQS 2x Mimosa, 1 Orion F1 - First Grow

thanks! I think about not putting easy grow on them this week, they really are very green, maybe it's the nitrogen issue
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don't worry about the Nitrogen to much , just stop feeding them - N - for a while . The photos are mine and the - N - gets depleted over time .
26 to 32 day

The temperature is between 26°C and 29°C, 26°C during the night and 29°C during the day. The light cycle is set to 20/4, with a pH of 6.5. Yesterday, I watered with 2L distributed among the three girls, with a pH of 6, 1.25 ml of BioBizz CalMag, and 1ml of Thicker Flowers (PK - 3-5).

This weekend, I'll be watering with easy grow again, combined with Plagron's Royal Sugar. From what I've read and seen others use, it gives the trichomes a "crystal" appearance and enhances the flavor. I'll be testing it out.

@hecno I did the training gradually as mentioned, I managed to lower the top of Orion and it worked, resulting in 2 tops. Is there a maximum time to keep doing training? Will it hinder growth if they are restrained for too long?

my jungle.jpeg
@ocurioso You can train for a long as you want it will not effect the plant , the more light you let in the better your yield . I would lower the top again as well as the side branches , you are aiming to get a even canopy . The photos you see is to give you an idea is what I am doing now :thumbsup:
33 a 38 dias (14/08)

I trained the Orion and Mimosa, managed to open it up further. The branches grew, and I was able to pull them to the edges.
Temperature between 26C to 29C, humidity most of the time at 50, it's rare for it to reach 60, pH 6.5.I watered on day 37 (08/13) with:
  • 2,2L (o pH da água era 5,70)
  • 1/2 crescimento fácil
  • 1ml de flores mais grossas (PK - 3-5)
  • 1ml Flores Grandes (NPK 1-0-0)
  • 1ml de Açúcar Royal Plagron
O fabricante aconselha a adicionar 1ml de nutrientes de floração em dias alternados. Estou pensando em mudar minha estratégia de irrigação. Em vez de regar duas vezes por semana, estou a pensar regar com menos volume mas três vezes por semana, distribuindo os mesmos 2L por todas as plantas. Eu gostaria de ouvir seus pensamentos. Como você rega suas plantas maiores? @hecno @Drownomatic @DCLXVI

Outra pergunta, mas esta é mais para o futuro. Para meu próximo cultivo, estou pensando em comprar um Mars Hydro 600 ou o Mars Hydro TS1000 para usar junto com meu Samsung CRI90 de 150W (mais detalhes no post inicial). Vou precisar substituir meu exaustor, pois ele não suporta o calor de uma lâmpada adicional. Pelos meus cálculos, um extrator de 350m³/h deve ser mais que suficiente. Alguma recomendação para exaustores?

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Be careful with the lights , With the size grow space you have a 450 watt Led light is more than enough , Heat is your problem .
No, my led actual is 150w, i have only one
I think plants prefer less frequent but deeper watering sessions. Having a dryback period in soil is good. Watering too little too often may keep your soil too wet for the roots.