Lighting NG420 & the Skysaber 640w adventure

They coming on nicely bro. can wait to see what your yield going be.
looks like its going kickass man.
great job there bro.
They coming on nicely bro. can wait to see what your yield going be.
looks like its going kickass man.
great job there bro.

Thanks bro, i hope we get some lovely hard shiny buds outta this tent!

They're all doing their job so far! I'm just trying to make sure that i do them and the light justice! Theres loads going on in the tent now

which i have done on purpose... keep me occupied and hopefully i might learn ow to multitask... ha ha

They just hit week 4!

Peace bro!
I am slowly taking off the lower growth as these get bigger, i am going to remove the first two sites on each branch from the bottom to focus some energy up top the tops.

pp lower removal.png


I made a bit of rosin i pressed at 88 degrees from the Colorado cookies from my last harvest the other night...

Rosin 2.jpg

Rosin 1].jpg

I will do an update early next week! Ill give AFN a chance to settle... and i am dry sifting this weekend in a hope to make my own moon rocks from this next harvest and also save some trichome heads for a tasty kief squish... one day i'll have enough lol!

Hey NG.. girls looking great so far dude.. and that light.. well.. :drool: tiz a thing of pure beauty.. looks absolutely amazing.. some good stuff to help you on your way brother :vibes::karmacloud:

Hey hope!! How you doing!?

I have just been reading through the thread and realised i hadn't replied to you!!! Firstly apologies i'm not normally such an ignorant bastard!! I think in the midst of having loads to do i just overlooked your post.

Update coming soon my brother!

Thank you so much for the good vibes and karma :baked::pighug:
Hey hope!! How you doing!?

I have just been reading through the thread and realised i hadn't replied to you!!! Firstly apologies i'm not normally such an ignorant bastard!! I think in the midst of having loads to do i just overlooked your post.

Update coming soon my brother!

Thank you so much for the good vibes and karma :baked::pighug:

Doin well buddy.. don't mention it.. never had you pegged as the ignorant type lol lookin forward to the update.. every time I look at that light just a little bit of drool seeps out hahaha
Doin well buddy.. don't mention it.. never had you pegged as the ignorant type lol lookin forward to the update.. every time I look at that light just a little bit of drool seeps out hahaha

It's gonna take me a little while to get to grips with the new AFN layout too.. although i think its welcomed and looks cool.

Im glad to hear it dude. haha im really not man, i appreciate the fact you took the time, or any one who does, to look at my shit so i am always

thankful for that. After seeing what you can do with plants too, its like a compliment. :pass:

I can't wait to post the update, the Skysaber is kicking ass!

Peace hombre.
Hello to all you beautiful AFN’ers!

That time of the week again where we show what’s good with the ladies.

Here they all are, seemingly happy on day 33. So just over a week!

Group 2.jpg


I took a step back and realised the monumental task I have ahead of myself keeping ontop of their feeds! So I popped another 2 seeds. Haha. In the picture below, they are in the following formation...

ColCookies. 30L | OrangeBud 30L | Night queen 1. 30L

Night Queen 2 30L | Col cookies 2 30L | Purple punch. 30L

TGZ 10L | Strawb Nugg 10L | Deez nuggs 10L | Deez Nuggs 20L | Bubba Island Kush 20L soil

NQ 3 10L | CDLC 10L | Bubba Kush hydro |

Group 3.jpg

A whopping 14 plants and about 9 different strains lol.

As you can see it’s been a busy one so far! They all got staked and stretched out a bit. I removed a handful of leaves/nodes from the bottoms/top and did some gentle LST.

Colorado Cookie 1:
This girl is the easiest going, her growth is vigorous and I think she will give some nice colour judging by some of the hues on the leafs when you are close.

1 - cookie 1.jpg

1.1 Cookie 1.jpg

1.2 cookie 1.jpg

1.3 Cookie 1 bud close.jpg

Colorado Cookie 2:
This cookie is a funny shape but she is trudging along

1.4 Cookie 2.jpg

Orange Bud:
Great growth of her! I am really looking forward to her smoke! I have heard so much about it.

1.5 OB.jpg

1.6 OB aerial.jpg

Night Queen 1:

This girl has taken a little work. She was the fastest growing within the week and shot up! Which. Was good but then started yellowing a bit. I have struggled keeping up with her feed. So I added a little moonshine into the mix… In my last experience it was way to strong… but I think in this instance it seems to have worked in my favour.

1.7 night queen 1.jpg

1.8 night queen 1.jpg

2 NQ1.jpg

Night Queen 2:

2.1 NQ 2.jpg

2.3 NQ.jpg

.... Reached photo limit! ... to be continued in next post...
Night Queen 3:

2.5 NQ 3.jpg

2.6 nq 10l.jpg

I am amazed at how restricting the container of the plants inhibits the growth, in comparison to NQ1 and NQ2, although this was intentional, it is still awesome to see nature adapt to its surroundings!

Purple punch:

2.7 pp2.jpg

2.9 pp aeral.jpg

She aint even purple yet… haha I’m just kidding, colour aside she’s a fine specimen. I have tried to induce as much stretch into this girl as possible and it has paid off. Instead of staking her I just got some garden wire and tied the branches to the holes in the airpots, easy peasy. Then I did some defoliating and theres some bud sites off the branches reaching up.

Moving onto the 10Ls. My little stars, here they are.

2.99 10l group.jpg

Strawberry Nuggets:

Moving on to this absolute beauty! I have just ordered some more of her seeds because I couldn’t help myself, she has been good as gold from the offset. I have started defoliating larger fans off, so I think the little nubs you see on the sides should be shoots next week.

3 Strawberry nugs.jpg

3.1 strawb nuggs top.jpg

3.2 SN.jpg

The goldilocks zone:

3.3 TGZ.jpg

3.4 tgz 2.jpg

Another strong genetic’d beauty. The smell coming from here is brilliant! I am tempted to try her in a 20L at some point swell and see if I can get her as big as the DP / Purple punch. She has taken every feed well and no sign of slowing either.


3.5 CDLC.jpg

Don’t know what’s happened here… but what a weird and cool plant hahahaha. CDLC… providing us with some lols.

Bubba Island Kush:
The hydro bubba is doing well! Her roots are going from strength to strength. I changed her res to up the EC for the week, I’m keeping it simple with her!

3.6 bubba aerial.jpg

3.7 bubba close.jpg

3.8 bubba root.jpg

I have also put a BIK into a 20L fabric pot so I can compare, as previous mentioned. Thats the grey one in the picture below.

Lastly… As you know I germinated a couple of Deez nuggs aswell. One in a 20L and one in a 10L!! they are side by side below in black fabric pots.

3.9 bubbas and dn.jpg

Nothing much to show here but the seedlings are doing well.

Theres another update til next week!
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All looks lovely, you going have a big harvest bro.
All looks lovely, you going have a big harvest bro.

Thank you bro, lets see if we can have a tent of A+++ buds & a good yield to boot!

Loving this grow so far!
