Live Stoners Newbie starting to grow medicinal weed.

I wanted to get cobs myself but my wallet wouldn’t allow it and my plants weren’t going anywhere with the lights they had. So I did a little research and found the king plus led which has done wonders for my gals but I do intend to get cob lighting in the future but that’s not til the girls start paying for their own toys. Since I started growing I’ve done dropped 4-500 bucks so I need to gain profit from my spendings before updating.

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My liver isn't bulging, it's the disk in my back
I hear that, $620 for 5 cobs, I got about $1300 involved in this. I have no intentions of selling any of mine. I am on Oxys for back and neck problems. Growing solely for my medicine to get off these poison pills.
That was one heck of a shopping list! You should be set for good long while! Congrats on investing in yourself and own meds! Its a total game changer!
I hear that, $620 for 5 cobs, I got about $1300 involved in this. I have no intentions of selling any of mine. I am on Oxys for back and neck problems. Growing solely for my medicine to get off these poison pills.

I’m there with you I’m on 900mg of gabapentin and 2-300mg if tramadol. As well as 60-70mg of percacet. So I’m definitely better off growing my meds than continue taking poison but I also need to make a little money off it too just until I can upgrade to better grow conditions like a tent, in-line fan and duct along with a carbon filter. Right now I’m using a dyi grow box which is built very well I just didn’t build it deep enough nor high enough I completely underestimated my grow lol

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Cheap lights might not always work....but not all cheap lights are crappy either....I run cheap lights and i find them to work out just fine pulling me an average of .8gpw in a less than ideal space.

You're right, I have one 300W Halide and one 'Mars' hydro LED unit which states equivilent to 300W and they're (the plants) taking over my kitchen.

I have to light proof my tent which has 4 photos in it before I go onto 12/12, does it really have to be light proof....Totally light proof?
I’m there with you I’m on 900mg of gabapentin and 2-300mg if tramadol. As well as 60-70mg of percacet. So I’m definitely better off growing my meds than continue taking poison but I also need to make a little money off it too just until I can upgrade to better grow conditions like a tent, in-line fan and duct along with a carbon filter. Right now I’m using a dyi grow box which is built very well I just didn’t build it deep enough nor high enough I completely underestimated my grow lol

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Wish you all the luck with your project, mine are just for me for pain control, nothing else, sick of all the pills which just seem to be robbing me of my health bit by bit.
Yea if you don't have it totally dark, I think you can get your plants turning to Hermorpidites. I got a cheap tent that has light leaks a little bit on the zipper. I could just throw a blanket over it. That's why I grow Autos little light leak won't hurt them I don't think. Go to ebay for your nutes so much cheaper. Same with PH and TDS meters. I think only time I will step foot in a hydro store will be for soil or coco. And emergencies. Plus you don't know if the man is outside watching who's going in the stores.
Yea just had another MRI done, L5S1 are àlready fused with rods and screws and c5-6-7 are fused with plates. New MRI shows L-2-3 L-3-4 disk are bulging and degenerating and so is the facets. How do you like that gabapentin, I have a script of it and never took it. Does it f you up. I heard it was nasty that's why I never took it
Thanks Seb, much appreciate your input. You mention Gabapentin? I have degenerative spinal compression & have similar problems but all the surgeons & all the Dr's will not in anyway entertain an operation of any sort. They say "spinal surgery went out with the ark"......tell me to go F-off and suffer.

I was put on Gabapentin 1200mg four times daily for the peripheral neropathy but I might as well have been taking smarties, they did nothing, except make it worse. If I touch my knee now I feel that touch in my foot, so I guess it does screw you up yes. I have heard they can have very nasty side effects, Zombie like effects and not in the least bit nice zombie either! My advice?.....It's another shit drug that you will need more drugs to counterefect the side effects of this drug and then more drugs to counterefect the drugs that you were taking to counterefect the original drug, Gabapentin. (if you see what I mean)

With respect