Live Stoners Newbie starting to grow medicinal weed.

Mate, you should go and get your liver properly checked out, like now? if it's still buldgin into your ribs?
Quite the concoction indeed!! I gave up on doctors and the poison they push...on a strictly weed med regime now, and never felt better. I was prescribed oxy for almost a decade(along with scores of other scripts)....
Quite the concoction indeed!! I gave up on doctors and the poison they push...on a strictly weed med regime now, and never felt better. I was prescribed oxy for almost a decade(along with scores of other scripts)....

Hey, Good to see ya. I couldn't agree more where the quacks are concerned, at least I figured out early on the 'pain' clinic is there to give you pain and not to try to help you reduce it.

I just posted 4 pics of my Purple Kush autos in a reply to Uncle Seamus and am not sure how to link or point them in your direction so you can take a peak and see if you think they're near harvest?

What I will do right here and now is a few pics of just how NOT to do it......

This is well underwatered....So I got him back to a good state.....and then...........
under watered1a.jpg

I toasted her, too near the lights!
too hot1a.jpg

Some trichomes on my vey first grow & by luck it was an auto.

My much too big forest in my much too small tent.
the forest1a.jpg

Well there ya go. The plant that got burned, I tipped all the stems that had any burnt leaves and it seems to be recovering well. You can see the burnt one in the middle/front and that's just after two days. All these plants have been though hell and I am surprised how they recover so well.

Thanks again for your help and wi ll see you again soon, take care

Hey man im just a newbie myself, bout halfway through first grow, so can't give ya any advice unfortunately. But there's heaps of cool guys on here like @912GreenSkell & @jingo hope ya don't mind me tagging ya bro.

I take heavy thc indica BVZ oil, i tink? anyway, i chuff a bit of CBD, to negate the thc buzz, as im not too keen on the high ya know. Anyway, it helps me massively getting through my chemotherapy, which is what im doing right now. Im just chilled from the oil, and cruising through another 3 day chemo round - which is long! Much longer without the oil, as i dont any major side effects from chemo.

Anyway, hope some of these guys can help you out on the tri-chromes. Good luck mate! :d5:
Thanks for the tag bro, I'm getting ready to go to bed so I'll read this thread through in the morning. I'm subbed up though [emoji106]

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
Hey man im just a newbie myself, bout halfway through first grow, so can't give ya any advice unfortunately. But there's heaps of cool guys on here like @912GreenSkell & @jingo hope ya don't mind me tagging ya bro.

I take heavy thc indica BVZ oil, i tink? anyway, i chuff a bit of CBD, to negate the thc buzz, as im not too keen on the high ya know. Anyway, it helps me massively getting through my chemotherapy, which is what im doing right now. Im just chilled from the oil, and cruising through another 3 day chemo round - which is long! Much longer without the oil, as i dont any major side effects from chemo.

Anyway, hope some of these guys can help you out on the tri-chromes. Good luck mate! :d5:
Thank you for the info, to be honest I've lost many, many of my friends though cancer but I can't begin to understand what it must be like to go through chemo. Just try and stay strong my friend and I am not in ANY way religious but you will be in my thoughts.

Take care mate.

Below is my very first plant. Purple Kush auto

Personally i like to chop at 80% cloudy and 20% amber. Maximum weight and potency.

If you wan the pics on different threads you will have to upload them each time...if you want to call someone in to this thread just type @ in front of their username. @912GreenSkell if you wanted to tag me in.
Gotcha, Thanks for the info. Looks like I might not have long to go then.

They're not amber yet but it could or maybe just a few days then........Can't wait!
You might want to do a selective harvest...clip the tops off to where the buds start to get fluffy and let them mature for another week or even 2 depending. You can let them go longer to mostly amber to get different effects.(generally a more sedating couchlock stone)
I am also new, I am on my second grow. One thing of advice I will tell you. I have learned more off this site in 3 weeks then 6 months listening to some bozo at a hydro store. 95% of these hydro stores don't know there ass from a hole in the ground. All they know is how to sell you so e thing you do t need. I even snuck a leaf of one of my plants and pics to the hydro guy and he sold me things that are still never used. I posted pic on here my problem was solved in a couple of hours. Also learned don't go buying your self one of these cheap LED lights off of eBay or Amazon . I just got 5 COBS from COB SHOP.NET with in one day, my buds where changing for the better. So going cheap don't always work, you can get away with somethings cheap but not lighting. The people on here are more then willing to help you out here. So good luck, we learn as we grow. My second grow don't look perfect, but I figure my next should be pretty good with the knowledge I have gained.
I am also new, I am on my second grow. One thing of advice I will tell you. I have learned more off this site in 3 weeks then 6 months listening to some bozo at a hydro store. 95% of these hydro stores don't know there ass from a hole in the ground. All they know is how to sell you so e thing you do t need. I even snuck a leaf of one of my plants and pics to the hydro guy and he sold me things that are still never used. I posted pic on here my problem was solved in a couple of hours. Also learned don't go buying your self one of these cheap LED lights off of eBay or Amazon . I just got 5 COBS from COB SHOP.NET with in one day, my buds where changing for the better. So going cheap don't always work, you can get away with somethings cheap but not lighting. The people on here are more then willing to help you out here. So good luck, we learn as we grow. My second grow don't look perfect, but I figure my next should be pretty good with the knowledge I have gained.

Cheap lights might not always work....but not all cheap lights are crappy either....I run cheap lights and i find them to work out just fine pulling me an average of .8gpw in a less than ideal space.
I had a 600watt Mehzi led it cost me I think around $90 got 5 COBS from BIGSM0 and the difference in a couple days was amazing. But what ever works for you. Meant no disrespect.