WOW !!

Mind oficially blown.

Thanks @ClockworkOrange, we looked hard as using the Synjets again but It just wasn't the best solution for a higher powered system. After simulation, testing and developing our heatsink/chassis design for a while we were really happy with the weight, the functionality and material cost and its definitely the way to go for LED lighting.

The optics we have developed are very unique, because the shape is rectangular doesn't mean the primary use are will be really rectangular. The optics are non-Gaussian almost like a projector. Yes, there will a slight elliptical pattern to the primary use area but we are talking about a few cm's longer than the width. Overall the unit is designed and best suited for covering square areas. We will have some simulations up on our site with the other photometric data before launch so it should all be clearer then.

Tested and past IP66, it also has galvanic corrosion and UV protection so its good for indoors or greenhouses and safe for misting an foliar sprays.

The top surface of the optic has a diffusive microstructure like the holographic diffuser but the secondary optics and the microstructure is a single molded component so there is no air gap like the HS1. The light intensity distribution is just as good as the HS1 but the transmission efficiency is much higher. This single stage holographic optic is going to be a game change for LED's and horticulture.

Power consumption is going to be 250w draw on the GN-Telos-0008

Thanks. Looking Forward to use one.
Nice to see the preliminary information, its looking very good.... Waiting with stoic patience for post-preliminary actuals
tipping hat.gif

Well, provided the preliminaries hold water, I'm ready for 4 lights right now, ....and that is based on my experience with the 2 HS1's I have and your flawless customer service....if only this here little niggle can be clarified....

Footprint is stated as practically 90x90 cm....practically all grow tents comes in sizes that are multiples of a foot, or 30 cm, such as 120x120, 150x150, 120x240, 150x300 and so on.......
How many lights would you recommend for the 4 mentioned sizes in order to get AN EVEN spread of light with no hot-zone overlap or cool-zone underlap.... I just can't figure it out and wonder if you've taken this into consideration at the drawing board? Or will there be different lenses/diffuser down the road like for the HS1?

Seems to me I would need an overkilling 4 lights for a 120x120 if I want an even uniform cover with the preliminary optics.......even for a 150x150 this appears to be overkill.... In more ways than one...and it could be a showstopper for some growers, myself included....

Other than this, all the other preliminaries does indeed look game changing.... Kudos for that :thumbsup:
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Sir @Corgy, thankyou for your kind words.

The coverage of a single unit at 60cm height is 90x90 with a 0.6+ uniformity (that is ridiculously even, most LED and HID lights will not get close to that at a 60cm height). That was just given as an example of the coverage, you don't need an 0.6+ uniformity to get good results but it does help.

With all the above mentioned grow tent sizes you will basically have 2 approaches. Firstly using the light low enough to the canopy to mainly target a number of plants like with the or a specific area like with the HS1. Secondly (and preferentially) raising the light up to a height that two or more lights fully overlap a set area. With the power density of this new system I would recommend having all the lights raised up 60-90cm so the coverage all overlaps and this will achieve the best uniformity. It may not be 0.6+ but positioned correctly and taking the reflective sides of the tent into consideration achieving an 0.5+ (which wont have any hot or cold spots) with multiple lights in any of these tents won't be an issue.

What I will do now is recommend the number of units per area that I think would provide the best yields, good quality and coverage considering the performance and power of these new units with the tents mentioned and Autos/16+hours in flowering. It is also worth mentioning that you don't need this number of lights to achieve good results. I find that a lower more natural DLI for autoflowers in flowering produces better quality end results. That said you can still achieve this by just lowering the amount of time the lights are on flowering per day with the setups mentioned below.

90x90 = 1x GN-Telos-0008
120x120 = 2x GN-Telos-0008
150x150 = 3x GN-Telos-0008
120x240 = 4x GN-Telos-0008
150x300 = 6x GN-Telos-0008

In terms of uniformity and hanging heights, we will include diagrams of common setups on our new website which should be up around mid May. There is also a free program called DIAlux that you can setup any area like a grow tent, you can model the reflective walls and check different luminaire configurations to establish the intensity, coverage and uniformity. We have a tested LDT of our Telos-0008 so you can simply upload the luminaire put in the hanging height and positions and run a simulation. We will be providing this service for people when the lights launch anyway but if anyone wants to have a play around with it now, drop me an email and I will send our LDT file over.
@dirtbag I find with autoflowers it's all about the veg. You can get a small veg do everything you can in flower and end up with small yields. focus on vegging and you'll get huge results in flower!

I agree, this is the case with Autoflowers, vegging the plant to a decent size and structure is key. I concentrate on getting the pots rooted out super quick, then the energy can go into above ground growth. Once you have that the rest should come naturally, I even drop hours in flower, think they need to sleep for the buds and essential oils to be produced.
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