Mephisto Genetics New artisanal run! Northern cheese haze, sour livers and auto livers F3

Are you all using 600 watt hps this time or 315 cmh?
I'mgetting ready to order a second light was going to go with a 600 or 1,000 but this reads like it will do as good as 600 watt hps.
I'm asking because I thought I read you were or have used them I just can't decide I don't know anyone who has used them it will be for a veg tent not for flower.
I want to run a perpetual grow as soon as I get this set up I'm also going to run photos to bad you all did not do them to:eyebrows:i would buy them also thank you for your time the 315 has a good warranty.
Are you all using 600 watt hps this time or 315 cmh?
I'mgetting ready to order a second light was going to go with a 600 or 1,000 but this reads like it will do as good as 600 watt hps.
I'm asking because I thought I read you were or have used them I just can't decide I don't know anyone who has used them it will be for a veg tent not for flower.
I want to run a perpetual grow as soon as I get this set up I'm also going to run photos to bad you all did not do them to:eyebrows:i would buy them also thank you for your time the 315 has a good warranty.

It's our first time using the cmh,
We have some plants starting under hps, some under the cmh, one batch will be hps all the way through, one batch is started under the cmh and when they sex/get transplanted they'll be moved under hps, and one batch will be cmh the whole way through.

It won't be a true true test as the strains are different under each,

But if we get nice results from the cmh and they're grown with half the power +\- then that's a win in my book.

It's still very early on, so I won't draw any conclusions until the end of the run,

Cheers Mitch

The sour livers are steaming ahead, I just poked my head in after a couple of days away, I believe we're on day 13 from sprout and the majority of them have sexed.

Here's the group as I had a looksie,


Sour livers boy!

Sour livers lady!

I removed 25 males from the 72, I didn't organise the females yet, so tomorrow I'll pot up all the nice looking ones that have sexed.

Throw the very best 10-12 in a single tent to reverse, and the best 24-32 females in 12liter pots to a double tent. The pot arrangement and exact numbers we want to keep in their we'll decide tomorrow.

We still have some days to play with on the other strains, but it's going to be a busy week!

Cheers Mitch
Hey guys!

I've got 90% of the pollination candidates potted up today from the sour livers batch,

I'll work through the northern cheese haze over the next few days,


A dash of black pearl underneath where the transplanted seeding will sit, and then a biotab each side

Not too bad looking roots manuva!

Overall they're a little smaller than I'd like but let's see how they progress! The sour livers will be the start to finish cmh test.

Cheers Mitch
And using the bio tabs you only feed water now? May I ask, whats the black pearl?

Yes indeed it'll be plain water now until the end unless the plants say otherwise, as some will be seeded and grow on longer than you would normally grow for flowers we may feed a few liquid feeds towards the end bioheaven and biogrow from biobizz for example, but only if necessary.

Here's the link to black pearl -

It's a soil supercharger that you can mix in completely with your soil when re-cycling, or you can give a sprinkle under the roots when transplanting as we do.

Cheers Mitch
Ive just been looking at the biotabs website, very interesting. Organic, no fuss growing, right up my street. Thanks for the heads up Mitch
It's our first time using the cmh,
We have some plants starting under hps, some under the cmh, one batch will be hps all the way through, one batch is started under the cmh and when they sex/get transplanted they'll be moved under hps, and one batch will be cmh the whole way through.

It won't be a true true test as the strains are different under each,

But if we get nice results from the cmh and they're grown with half the power +\- then that's a win in my book.

It's still very early on, so I won't draw any conclusions until the end of the run,

Cheers Mitch[/Q.[/QUO
I went with the 315 for me 4x4 veg box will be nice to see what she does for flower enjoying the grow.I see you got GBD back in stock for here I'm going to stock up on my next order of seeds of this it's growing your beautiful girls beautiful.@atticason I think that's how it spells it his journal is in mephisto under super soil wow those are knock out buds can't wait to grow all your strains in this. I'm nominating him for next month's bom:cheers:
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