New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

Looks like Sul has a handle on things. I like the creativity of that cabinet, Big.
Looks like Sul has a handle on things. I like the creativity of that cabinet, Big.
Clean rainwater didn't cause anything.
Didn't think so, HOWEVER....(see ronnie's approach). I've read in many posts that calmag w/autocobs is a thing. I have calmag, but I want to understand the problem ( if in fact there is one) and not overreacting.
Cal/mag needs is a strain dependent thing. Like any nute, every strain handles it differently. I have applied the same amount of nutes to 4 different strains many times. Some throw a fit, some can handle it.

KEEP TRACK in a journal, how each strain handles your nute regimen.
Didn't think so, HOWEVER....(see ronnie's approach). I've read in many posts that calmag w/autocobs is a thing. I have calmag, but I want to understand the problem ( if in fact there is one) and not overreacting.
I don't know much about cobs, but I do know the light can be pretty intense under it. Light intensity drives photosynthesis, which drives the roots to get nutes from the soil. IF the lights diving photosynthesis overpowers the ability of the roots to supply the nutes to the plant, the plant starts taking the nutes it needs from itself. Hence the spots.
This is where some people chase their ass trying to correct a nonexistent nute deficiency, especially in early development.

This really can't be an actual cal-mag deficiency in the soil.

Temp: 75f
RH: 73%
Lights: 2-autocobs @ 30"
Media: Natures Living Soil/FFHF supersoil

Day 15 - Jack Herer (GHS)
Day 11 - GG4
Day 3 - GSC

Moving right along. Thx for everyone's input.
Update: picked up a couple of pot elevators so Air can circulate around entire pot. For some reason it gave me confidence to water more. Gave 1/2 liter to small pot Jack, and 1l to 3 gal GG. I was watering the plant and not the pot. My inexperienced thought process was to watch the plants and provide water as needed. If leaves were good and plant shows no sign of needing water, just keep the root zone moist. Well, the results of last nights Grow have taught me a lot. I want to apologize to my babies for giving you just enough to survive. Going forward, water will no longer will be rationed due to my fear of overwatering, but rather a proper watering every 2-3 days.

Temp: 75f
RH: 73%
Lights: 2-autocobs @ 30"
Media: Natures Living Soil/FFHF supersoil

Day 16 - Jack Herer (GHS)
Day 12 - GG4
Day 4 - GSC

I am reserving the right to get smarter.
You should be ok to fully water the Jack and GG4 pots, but I would wait to do the same with the GSC.

Watering the pots is a key skill to develop. You need to learn how much your pots weigh when fully watered. You want to water slowly. Water a portion. then go to the next girl and water her. Do this to each girl and let them soak a little bit. Let them absorb the water. Do this until they can't take any more water and you get some run off in the tray. Wait for 15 min for the pot to absorb the water in the tray. Remove the leftover water.
Now pick up the pot and try to remember what a fully watered pot feels like. You then water when the pot weighs about half. Larger pots are easier to maintain proper moisture levels.
I didn't see what you're gonna use for fertilization. If you use something simple, like MegaCrop, your watering/feeding can be a little different than above but getting to the proper weight is the end goal.

Properly watering now is not super efficient, but when they are older, while they're soaking, you can do other things for/to your girls.........LST, defol ect
You should be ok to fully water the Jack and GG4 pots, but I would wait to do the same with the GSC.

Watering the pots is a key skill to develop. You need to learn how much your pots weigh when fully watered. You want to water slowly. Water a portion. then go to the next girl and water her. Do this to each girl and let them soak a little bit. Let them absorb the water. Do this until they can't take any more water and you get some run off in the tray. Wait for 15 min for the pot to absorb the water in the tray. Remove the leftover water.
Now pick up the pot and try to remember what a fully watered pot feels like. You then water when the pot weighs about half. Larger pots are easier to maintain proper moisture levels.
I didn't see what you're gonna use for fertilization. If you use something simple, like MegaCrop, your watering/feeding can be a little different than above but getting to the proper weight is the end goal.

Properly watering now is not super efficient, but when they are older, while they're soaking, you can do other things for/to your girls.........LST, defol ect
I'm going to feed via top dressing & teas using Natures Living Soil & molasses. GSC & GG4 are in supersoil w/ NLS & FFHF. Jack is straight FFHF. Going to start feeding JH w/tea this weekend. GSC still has a way to go before I need to feed and GG4 should still be good w/ water only for another week or so.
I'm going to feed via top dressing & teas using Natures Living Soil & molasses. GSC & GG4 are in supersoil w/ NLS & FFHF. Jack is straight FFHF. Going to start feeding JH w/tea this weekend. GSC still has a way to go before I need to feed and GG4 should still be good w/ water only for another week or so.
Sounds like a plan man!