New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.


Bag Jack is doing well on day 4 & GG4 has arrived in the Brave New World. Still no signs from JH1.

Media: Natures Living Soil/FF Happy Frog Supersoil
Lights: 2-AutoCobs, 24/0 @ 36"
Temp: 79f
RH: 74%


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Is this a problem? Temp 77f, 70%rh autocobs 24/0, 36". Seed broke ground yesterday. Leaves are curling under. And they weren't this morning IMG_0287.JPG
A new day begins. Bag Jack on track & progressing. GG4 is also holding steady. Jack Herer Auto (GHS) STILL has not broken ground. Arghhh! Dropped in water over night then into Jiffy into soil. Day 4 and still no love. Other 2, solid.

When do I take off the humidity domes on the seedlings?
What's your RH in the tent? Maybe a dome for the jiffy??
I'm maintaining 55-70% rh in tent. Currently keeping domes on all 3. Question is, how long do I keep them on. Second set of leaves?
I'm maintaining 55-70% rh in tent. Currently keeping domes on all 3. Question is, how long do I keep them on. Second set of leaves?
TBH I'm not sure Sul. I'm sure some one with more experience will weigh in.

I was going to remove mine same day as first feeding, but that is just me. I was using clear solo cups before I got my humidifier.
I'm maintaining 55-70% rh in tent. Currently keeping domes on all 3. Question is, how long do I keep them on. Second set of leaves?
Take the dome off the Bag Jack. It's fine....go figure.
I think the one that curled may be too wet. Check the moisture in the pot.
Did ya maybe plant the Jack a bit deep?
I'd say if you don't see Jack tomorrow, you play like you're an Egyptian archeologist and take off the media.
Nevermind dammit.......I just realized you planted in cubes I've never used cubes of any sort and I've made thousands of other than canna transplants. Give her a few more days. Some say the Happy Frog is too hot for direct planting. Hopefully you have another jack to plant.
Don't sweat LST. Just start out with a bottom support and place the one that pulls in the opposite direction and just do in small increments at first. They get much more resilient as they get bigger.
Day 7 on bag Jack(middle)
Day 3 on GG4. (Right)

Well, one seeds still hasn't popped. Gonna give it til Friday to show. Got a GSC Auto waiting to jump in the pool.

On another topic, I am 1 week in and realize that I am going to need to have a grow tent. I live in the desert and I NEED humidity. I am in a garage closet and doing fine, BUT..... the closets are particle board and are absorbing moisture. Long term, this will become a structural problem. Oh well, I tried. Can someone point me in the right direction? 3x3, 4x4? Considering that I have 2 autocobs already, what should I do? Purchase 2 more autocobs? Get a Grow tent package with light included and run that light in addition to 2 autocobs.
Hey friend, looks like you're off to a decent start!

I'm nearing the end of my first grow and I have to say, don't be scared of LST/tying down your plants a bit. I'd recommend to get some gardening ribbon. The wide (1/2") green stuff. It's pretty easy to tie off and it stretches a bit. Just gentle and little at a time. I waited until I had the 5th node showing before starting to pull branches out to the sides. Some people like pipe cleaners too.

I have a 2x2 tent and it is tight in there but I am only going to run one plant at a time. Base your tent size on how much space you have and how many plants you want to grow at a time.