New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

Thx for the rep! I enjoyed growing WITH you. You taught me a lot. Your recommendations for properly watering was paramount to my success. I am no longer a chronic under-waterer!
Time to give final report.

GG#4 - 3.4 oz
GSC. - 3.8 oz

I am beyond happy with the haul of my first Grow. 7.2 oz is a great bounty considering the difficulties I had. The knowledge I have acquired can not be measured. Special thanks to the support I have received from @pop22 , @Proph , @WildBill , and all others.

This is a great community and I will continue to learn and develop my knowledge so I too can pay it forward.

Thanx to all.


:clapper: congratz on ur harvest & a shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: to display it under ur name, jus go to profile > badgez & click the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) ppp
Thx for the rep! I enjoyed growing WITH you. You taught me a lot. Your recommendations for properly watering was paramount to my success. I am no longer a chronic under-waterer!
You earned it! :thumbsup:
I'm in AZ, so I'm on a weather hold till September. Trying to deal with VPD in 16% rh in my garage will be too much for me. My next Grow will be 4-5gal organic in autopots under an HLG-600RSPEC. Water only. Upgrading to 25 gal res so I won't be tied to my Grow. Already know what I'm dropping in the fall:

Double Grape
Ripley's OG

Can't wait!!!

Currently growing a GSC by Fastbuds inside and a Six Shooter by Fastbuds outside. 1st Sixshooter in NLS Living soil was a bust. 2nd Zkittles grow in NLS Autoflower Living soil was not much better but limped the 8 inch runt to finish. Low humidity is slowing the Six Shooter outdoor grow but I’m going to keep at it. I added a couple of Tbls of NLS Autoflower to the upper part of my mix for the veg part of my grows. No more NLS Living Soil or Super Soil for me. May use it in teas.Wait and see how these turn out. After these I’m going to take a break for a little while. Will be looking foward to your next grows. I’m eyeballing some small earthboxes for future attempts.
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Congrats on your 1st harvest brotha! But leave it to me to be the old timer football coach that tells players who just scored, to give the ball to the ref and get back to the huddle, lol. Now you start the most important part of your grow.. The part the requires the most attention to detail.. The gauntlet we call dry and cure! As Nipsey would say, #TheMarathonContinues!!
Congrats dude. You got more out of two plants on your first grow than I got out of three! You’re going to love the autopots when you set them up.
Congrats on your 1st harvest brotha! But leave it to me to be the old timer football coach that tells players who just scored, to give the ball to the ref and get back to the huddle, lol. Now you start the most important part of your grow.. The part the requires the most attention to detail.. The gauntlet we call dry and cure! As Nipsey would say, #TheMarathonContinues!!
I was able to dry for 7 days before I put them into jars. Now have boveda 62's in jars and jars holding steady between 61-64%. Jars are in a dark closet on hard floors where it is cooler. The cardboard box in closet with humidifier on low seems like a good way to go in the desert. I was able to maintain the rh between 50-60% inside box.

Thx coach.
I can't believe I missed the posts with your final harvest! My man, excellent work. Especially with the difficult start you had. And still pulled off nearly half a pound???? Killer. Apparently NLS disease ain't that bad! hahaha

I love using the boveda bags. Great idea picking those up.
I can't believe I missed the posts with your final harvest! My man, excellent work. Especially with the difficult start you had. And still pulled off nearly half a pound???? Killer. Apparently NLS disease ain't that bad! hahaha

I love using the boveda bags. Great idea picking those up.
I'm not sure I'd be this far along in my growing experience WITHOUT NLSD. In fairness to NLS, to me it represents ANY product that isn't completely transparent. Combine that with overfeeding and BOOM!!! Once I ran GALLONS of water thru the NLS, things became manageable. The brown/bronze spots still continued on new growth, but at a MUCH slower pace.

In the beginning I thought I understood what lockout was. I did not. I thought deficiencies was the problem. Quickly realized that I didn't have any understanding of what I was doing. A lot of long nights "drinking thru a firehose". In the end, I'm walking away with a great experience AND some sweet ass bud!