New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

Thank you. I'm actually a little glad that I had some difficulties. The things I've learned and the corrective actions taken would not have been learned without them. Can't wait for another ride. These are amazing plants.

Thx again.
Indeed they are, and as the saying goes. “Lessons learned the hardest, are learned the best”
And then there was ONE. GSC has the house all to herself and all the water she wants.

Day 71
I'd say another 7-10 days, looks like the pistils are starting to shrivel, that's an early sign of ripening.
A member on another site used NLS and had similar/same issues. 12oz. NLS mixed with FFOF in 5 gal pots watered with distilled water. The brown spots started in veg. He had a soil analysis done. Appears that the NLS was the culprit. When I saw these issues in my grows I started adding cal/mag, high phosphorous amendments along with Recharge and Mammoth P when symptoms didn’t improve. Seeing this data I now see that I just made things worse. No more NLS soils for me unless I use it as part of a tea recipe. I wonder what the analysis looks like without the NLS?

Distilled water is a poor choice for soil growing and could account for micro issues. I would advise against using it for growing in general if you can.