New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

I think they look good so far. The advice I was given was leave them alone when they are small. They will grow roots then shoots. Water in a ring around them but not on or right next to the stem. Mine had some odd looking first and second leaves but grew out of that quickly.
Update: temp 75f/rh 79%. Lights are at 30". Should I drop lights down now that the plants are getting stronger?

Day 11 Bag JH IMG_1968.JPG

Day 7 GG4. IMG_1969.JPG
They're looking good! I think you should do the opposite with your light and move it up an inch or so. The tips of your plants loots like they're pointing up. I've read that means they're too close to the light.
I need to CHILL THE F#%€ OUT! I need to let time take its time, bc the reward of patience may be patience itself.

Temp 77f
Rh 80%
Lights 2-autocobs @ 30"
Media: NLS/FFHF supersoil in GG4 & GSC
FFHF in Jack Herer
Watering with str8 rain water.

Day 12 Jack:IMG_1970.JPG

Day 8 GG4: IMG_1971.JPG
I would like to welcome to the room Original Girl Scout Cookies Day 1:IMG_1972.JPG
She still is wearing her headgear. Is this a potential problem?

Temp: 79f
RH: 78%
Lights: 2-autocobs @ 30"
Media: Natures Living Soil/FFHF supersoil

Day 13 - Jack Herer Auto (GHS)
Day 9 - GG4
Day 2 - GSC

I raised the lights a couple of inches and it appears to be helping the GG4. Leaf color getting a little darker. However, she really appears to be praying quite a bit. Thoughts?
I gave the plants a good soaking of rainwater last night. I was told that I did not need to ph water cuz I wasn't adding nutes.

The following are pics from yesterday and today, side by side:
IMG_1973.JPG IMG_1977.JPG

IMG_1974.JPG IMG_1978.JPG

I didn't notice the discoloration yesterday, but pics prove otherwise. I was using non-ph'd rainwater to water plants. Plants are less than 2 weeks.
