New Grower My first grow

Okay - Leave it for now if you've watered 5 times with 7.1.

If there's no change, i can only imagine the PH readings are inaccurate. The only way to really know is with a calibrated digital PH meter - some people use an Accurate8 soil probe which are supposed to give accurate readings, but i've personally never used one.

Wait for them to dry a little and hopefully the raised PH feeds will work their magic and raise the soil PH for you. A lot of people consider the digital PH meter one of the most important things!

Not sure what i can do now, it will take 3 days to get a new PH meter

Really drooping now
Hey bro.. they are likely drooping due to the heavy watering received...:Sharing One:

+1 he's right, thats from all the water you've run thru them they will perk up when it drys out a bit, and you know, from that pick, you plant looks healthy enough. get some lime and treat it after its had time to get the pot dried some. there are no fast fixes when you have problems, its a matter of diagnosing them and fixing the issues as you can. I had to wait a week to get my water problems fixed. Add the lime as a top dressing for now if you can, a tablespoon or so should start correcting your ph, it take a couple weeks to get it corrected to any degree.
Everything I have done is posted, it is not overwatering

by over watering, we mean that the "flushing" you've done is really just measured over watering. its not anythng to worry about as long as you let your plant dry out for a few days.
Hey Jimm... not over watering in general but flushing 5 times would be considered heavy watering...

I flushed to get the ph right but the problem was already there, the pots were dry today when I watered them and they were bone dry on Saturday when i watered them.

So stressed right now.. aahhh

:help: :Sharing One:
Hey Jimm... not over watering in general but flushing 5 times would be considered heavy watering...

Exactly, coupled with the fact that you are using a hard plastic pot which does not "breathe" and if you look at that picture carefully you will see that the root zone is also sitting in a puddle of water.

I read back through your post and see a lot of people helping with pH but honestly I don't see anything at all wrong with that plant other than oxygen issues at the root zone. My recommendation, for what it is worth, get that pot off the tray to allow some air flow under the root zone, keep your temps up above 70F, keep your humidity between 40-50RH and she will be happy and singing in 48 hours, guaranteed. That plant is healthy bro, she just needs you to quit trying to fix her.
Guys water isn't the problem... if there is water in the dip trays in the pics then it only means i was just watering and i emptied it out.

plus i allow them to drain on a tub with a messed lid, i let them sit there for 5-10 mins to make sure most is gone then put them back
in tent and check tray every 5 mins until dry
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