first grow :jaw: "lucky" think you know a few things to get a grow like that, last pic was seedlings then bam a forest in your room,keep it up bro :smokebuds:
Well I guess that's whats meant by jumping in at the deep end.
Good job man, that's an impressive grow but you did the most important bit and got your grow area properly set up first.
Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Are you the reincarnation of Ma Baker ? That's an unbelievable amount of bud your going to have on your hands. I will be most interested to hear your dry weight.
You could keep an army wasted for a month.
Is there a record on this forum for biggest crop by a first time grower ?
I take the big pipe from vacuummachine ,metal one (adjustable length), put the end on target and shoot with 2liter bottle usually take 2hours every 3days
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