My Autoflower Topping & LST Journey - Daily Updates

Not much to report...

Tightened a few of the initial tied branches down and pulled a few leaves. Just a couple on the Fastberry but 5-6 on the Smoothie.

The Smoothie needs to get these secondary colas going, but she is getting a little stretchy. Thinner stems and such a dense canopy isn't helping. Night and day difference from the Fastberry which shit up those inner colas so fast.

To help I lowered the light an inch and will do the same in the am if there doesn't seem to be any negative effects. Figure now that the Fastberry is flowering and getting early bloom nutes she will appreciate the light anyhow.

I'm hoping I will be able to handle these bushes in this little tent and that there is enough room for all these colas. Looks like at least a dozen each and possibly a few more on the Smoothie.

Late update I know...

All is going well and we have a crowded tent at this point.

Hoping I have the light to make these Colas grow to their potential. I have been doing some light defoliation to help but don't want to stress them too much.

Anyhow here they are after redoing the LST and watering this morning.

Fastberry on the left and Smoothie on the right...

This damn Smoothie refuses to flower! Lol

Thinking if she waits too long we might have a canopy leveling issue when she blooms and stretches but we shall see. Looks like she is almost there...

The Fastberry on the other hand is now getting quite dank, and starting to form a bunch of tops. The LST has worked well and looks like we will have at least a dozen good colas.

The Smoothie looks like the extended veg will make for a serious number of colas and everyday it seems there are more emerging from under the canopy.

I have been continuing to remove a few leaves here and there to try and keep the canopy somewhat open not.only for light but for air as well. The vertical growth with the blooming on the Fastberry has helped but the Smoothie is a serious bush and I have a hard time getting humidity below 60 so figure it is necessary.

Here is a couple good pics... You should know which is which by now... Lol


That perfectly level canopy.... Gotta love LST!

And the Smoothie is finally starting to flower!!! She is huge already and I am glad we can now work on some vertical growth. I will probably adjust the LST once more where I can and pull a few leaves to try and get some more light into these young bud sites emerging from within. If all goes well this girl will have 20 or more bud sites.


Fastberry is now starting to grow those colas and it looks like we might have 16 to 18 good bud sites. She is also starting to go purple and I am excited to see how she develops. So far I am very impressed with this girl. Fast growing and the perfect size for my small setup. Glad I didn't grow both of my Smoothies that is for sure. Lol


Few more quick pics for ya....

It's getting crowded in my tent!

Here we are a few days later and it looks like the Smoothie is now starting to develop some flowers. She is huge already so I am hoping we just go up from here. If I can manage to get some light into this canopy we should have even more bud sites as the Fastberry.

And like it should the Fastberry is growing out pistils and working on those buds. I think I am going to do a little more defoliation over the next couple weeks. I know the Smoothie could lose a few leaves as well.

Anyhow here they are...

Some slight adjustment on a few strings on the Smoothie and some defoliation on both this morning. Given the small space and the minimal lighting combined with the number of budsites I wanna be sure light is getting through the canopy. Also concerned with airflow with humidity at 55 and won't go lower but as they grow taller things are opening up.

The Smoothie is just too damn big now to really open it up anymore, so I am pulling some of the taller colas down to the side hoping it helps keep these inner bud sites growing faster. She really doesn't seem to be in any rush to grow these buds but I have now switched her to some transition/early bloom nutes hoping that helps.

The Fastberry is budding like crazy and I am seeing alot of purple coming through as she progresses. It is definitely a fast strain and I have switched her to some mid bloom nutes for the next couple weeks. I have also started with General Hydroponics Kool Bloom as per the schedule I am following. Hoping we can get some nice buds and so far so good.

Sorry it has been a few days... Ah well!

It has been crazy for me these last couple weeks starting a new job and having my second child but all is well and despite a couple hiccups we are growing well!

Following the Coco For Cannabis GH Schedule has done well so far however I am noticing what appears to be a calmag deficiency since the schedule called for a reduction from 4-5ml to 2.5-3ml. I understand this is a common thing with quantum boards. I also had the same happen early on when feeding the min recommended dose so I had gone up to max dose of CaliMagic then. This morning I added an extra ml so hoping that helps.

The Fastberry is now starting to bud really well and I have been really impressed so far being such a small plant. Her short size is causing a slight issue next to the giant they call Smoothie. As you can see below I have had to raise the Fastberry about 4 inches to get an even canopy.

The Smoothie continues to grow but seems to have slowed and she is now looking like we are making progress and getting some buds. Unfortunately this girl is going to take her time but I can be patient.
