My Autoflower Topping & LST Journey - Daily Updates

Just a little bit more today...

Got them pinned down now, and can see those internodes getting some attention.

I am still on the fence about topping them. Might just let them rest tomorrow and top em after adjusting the pin tomorrow night.


Anyhow here they are... Smoothie seems to be responding really well, and the Fastberry might have just slowed ever so slightly.




Thanks for this thread! Whats up with the yellow cards??

Yup, they are Sticky Stick Traps. I have had fungus gnats issues in the past and my wife's houseplants seem to bring em out now and again. Just preventative measures...
About to start a similar grow myself, gonna follow this one. :pass:

Hope I can help.

Did a bend on my main stems on 5 plants outdoors this year. Worked well but I waited too late to get the ideal results.

These are looking good though!
Alright so I didn't do anything to them yesterday. Letting them recover and grow out this next node quickly.

Thinking that we will be topping them either tonight or tomorrow morning at the 4th node.

Once topped I will give them a couple days and then get right back to the LST.

I have been slowly increasing the nutrient strength but diluting just a bit these last couple feedings as I am seeing some tiny white tips on the new growth. Thinking either nute burn or light burn so I also backed the light off a bit. Doesn't seem to be anything major and hasn't gotten worse over the last 36 hrs.

Anyhow, I will hopefully have an update with some pics tonight. Snip Snip!

Sorry to disappoint but nothing new tonight... :(

Looks like tomorrow morning they should be ready to top if I have time before work. If not tomorrow afternoon.

Here they are just a few mins ago...

The Fastberry(left) was probably ready to cut but was a little bit short between the 4th and 5th nodes and the Smoothie(right) needs a little more time.

Well, as promised we had a little nervous excitement this morning!

They have now been topped at the 4th node and I will be following autobeasts advice and giving them a few days to recover and grow before any further LST.

Here is the carnage...

Quick update...

Nothing really new to report but they seem to be doing well. The Smoothie is still growing like a rocket and the Fastberry(Left) is keeping steady. I think the Smoothie(Right) which was a day late sprouting has now taken the lead for growth.

I am letting these girls grow a couple days but might not be able to help myself and may have to continue the LST soon. I was told up to 6 days recovery from topping but I want to get this main stock horizontal soon.

Here they are... Getting really bushy so I raised the light a bit to encourage some vertical growth these next couple days.

