Indoor First Indoor Grow - Fastbuds Fastberry & Smoothie

Concerned about heat issues where my tent is located in the house so I ran an intake duct to the next room to draw cooler better air. Being in the furnace room I was concerned with the weather changing and the heat coming on making it too warm. I was already approaching 80 degrees at times. Just a simple 4 inch hose through the wall into the mudroom/workroom. Seems to be helping.

Anyhow here they are a couple days later...

Again that Fastberry is setting the pace. Not bad for 10 days old.




Couple days later things are moving along pretty well...

I have been feeding daily but only around the plant, slowly getting a wider and wider spread. I have been following the Coco For Cannabis schedule for the GH Flora and they seem to be liking it. Today I watered to the point of runoff for the first time and she took it well with some great growth over the last 12hrs.

On another topic, I am actually considering topping these guys sometime over the next week, followed by some heavy LST of course, so if that is of interest stay tuned. I have been following @autobeast over in his thread on the topic and it is pretty convincing so we will see if I have the balls when the time comes. Will be doing some heavy LST regardless and honestly i am not sure my size tent and light can handle too many colas if I top. Might get some better bud with a slightly thinner canopy and smaller yield.

Anyhow, feel free to chime in with your thoughts.

Not much more to report for now.


FB Sept 28.jpeg


SM Sept 28.jpeg
Got all crazy and went ahead with the initial bend today! I finally decided after much debate that I was going to do some serious LST rather than top these plants this time around. I had planned to LST from the start and planted them to be trained so I am sticking to the plan. Keeping it simple...

The initial bends...




Been steadily adjusting the last couple days, however I am giving them a little rest right now. Trying to get this 5th node ready to be snipped.

I will be topping them either tonight or tomorrow morning at the 4th node once this 5th node is slightly further developed.

Once topped I will give them a couple days and then get right back to the LST. I have the pinned down behind the 4th node currently and they are responding well.

I've been slowly increasing the nutrient strength but diluting just a bit these last couple feedings as I am seeing some tiny white tips on the new growth. Thinking either nute burn or light burn so I also backed the light off a bit. Doesn't seem to be anything major and hasn't gotten worse over the last 36 hrs.

Here is where I left em...




Nice grow buddy!
Just over 3 weeks and these girls have turned into a couple little bushes.

You can see the Smoothie is the frontrunner despite being a day behind sprouting. Unfortunately in a rush I cracked a branch on the Fastberry and I think that stunted her a couple days.

Anyhow this last couple days they have started to grow vertically with several colas emerging. Going to have to open her up with some further LST over the next couple days.

Fastberry on the right and Smoothie on the left...
