Indoor Multi strain first grow

I always start at half strength but you can slowly increase the strength weekly to see how they cope.
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Day 17: stems are getting super thick, hopefully laying the foundations ready for some heavy buds :D the leaves on some of them have started to yellow, at the tips on some little ones and blotched on the think different, any ideas guys? I have fed them for the first time today at half strength, 2ml of A and 2ml of B. I have also lowered my light down to about a foot and half away from plants, I have been worried about burning them too close. Temps are around 26 now as he humidity was quite high when it was around 24. Peace and love :smoking:
I have made a mess up guys, I have fed them sensi bloom instead of grow by accident, is that a problem??
Shouldn't be too much of an could give them a flush (heavy watering) just to rinse out all the excess bloom feed
Thanks @Nabzter il give it a try, it was the first day with any nutrients at all, I was thinking of giving them the sensi grow anyway next water to get them back on track
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Day 18: hi guys, few things have changed since the last update. The think different is continuing to grow and is starting to become really bushy, the narco pumps looks like she is flowering? I didn't think she would flower this early. The critical plus and auto ultimate seem to be coming along a lot better now aswell. My favourite plant the GSC has a hole in one of the leaves, almost like a scratch with yellow around it, nute burn? Iv added as many photos I can so if anyone with experience could maybe have a look over them just to make sure I'm ok, it would be much appreciated. Also Indont know if I'm expecting too much from the plants, it's when I seen the narco purps flowering, is this normal for the size of her? Thanks in advanced guys :)
All your plants are looking real nice. I wouldn't worry about that scratch/tear...probably caused by accidentally folding the leaf. And yeah that plant looks to be flowing but I wouldn't look at that as a negative ...more like optimum grow conditions, besides you will be surprised how much the grow during flower. You will probably see em triple in size.
Nice too see a fellow Bhoy on board :)

Looking great so far lad,look forward too seeing the progress...happy growing
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Day 20: plants are getting quite big now, lots of branching from the think different, the rest arnt far behind! Really happy with them right now. Have them all sensi grow a+b today 2.3 ml of a and b per litre and watering 3 litres each. Iv also put up a Scrog net ready for the growth spurt to try maximise he light. Unfortunately Iv pulled off the huddle finger of one of the fan leaves off the critical plus when putting the net up, will this stunt it? I hope not!! Thanks again @Nabzter for the feedback and advice it really helps :biggrin: @Glasgow Stoner78 thanks for the feedback aswell pal! Can't go anywhere without finding a fellow bhoy haha
I wouldn't worry about damaging that fan leaf it will not affect the grow at all. In fact some choose to trim off some of the fan leaves during flower but personally I don't think it makes a difference, at least not a positive one. After all the leaves are the plants processing plant for photosynthesis.

Will be interesting to see the affectiveness of the scrog net, I personally have never bothered but am always tempted to try new things.