Indoor Multi strain first grow

Awesome! :headbang:
Definitely gonna be tight in there, LST will certainly help arrange the bud sites so yo can make the best use of the space. It's not hard either, just be gentle. These girlies like being bent over! :naughtystep:

Also wanted to mention that 29 c is a bit hot, not that it will kill them but it can cause issues, especially with a low humidity on top of that. Try to keep them at least below 26c if possible. Will make for denser buds with more terpenes.
Edit: sticking it at 24 c would be pretty ideal...
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Day 14: evening guys I have started to lst the plants, if any of you spot Iv done something wrong give me a shout :biggrin: @surffreak I have lowered the outside temps to bring the temp down, was at 25.6 when I zipped back up but will check the temps again after 24 hours. @Nabzter did you finish the grow or are you still growing?
hey Lew. awesome Journal so far. we do like our pic's ;) how's your water PH reading. not that I see anything wrong. it's something to keep an eye on. the AN ph perfect line a nutes it's not an issue. same for the Dr.Earths organic nutes don't need ph'ing either. but a lot of problems tend to be ph related.
Thanks @elsamurai and welcome to the journal :biggrin:, my ph has been at 6.1-6.5, I will start feeding AN ph perfect sensi next water.
She is just ending her 1st week in flower but from the 10 or so auto strains I have done so far I can see her being the one of the best yielding judging by the vigorous growth and number of bud sites.
Have you got a journal going or any pics? Would love to see how it's getting on
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Day 15: I have untied the ultimate and the critical, they don't seem big enough,he others will stay tied. Not long now before flowering I guess, hopefully they will put more size on this week before they start to flower! ph perfect sensi next water, should it be half strength?