MrAutoGrower Grows - FB Bruce Banner + Mephisto 3Wok

I taken the forks out of the main stems last night to try and get some more vertical growth. Looking better now. I will leaf tuck most likely today and then see how they go over two days then more than likely defol and lst.

Day 30 Jammy Dodgers

Day 28 Bruce Banner

Day 4 3Wok
She’s looking good at day 4. Only water for now. I will begin her first feed tomorrow with PlantStart when she dries out a little bit.

They been stretching. I let them get a little vertical growth but pulled them back down again and defoliated today. They just keep bouncing back which is a good sign. Fairly fat stalks so far. They’ve been happier since the past week or so.

Day 30 Bruce Banner

Day 32 Jammy Dodgers


Jammy Dodgers at day 32. She’s looking much better than my last Jammy Dodgers. I had mold with her because her structure was a nightmare so I taken no chances this time around and trained her early to get her even. Top dressed with more psycho myco today and watered it in with their feed. I keep pulling her down but giving her a rest until tomorrow before I defol again.


Bruce banner day 30. She keeps growing massive leaves and tries to shoot up vertical but I’ve gave her a decent defol and more lst today. They bounce back real quick so no doubt my work will be somewhat undone tomorrow lol.


3wok at day 7. She’s looking pretty good. Especially compared to the others at day 7. Her roots have now reached the bottom of these little biodegradables. I had planned to cut them down the sides and just pop them in, but it may prove a bit of a pain since the roots are sticking out. I gotta transplant her soon. She gon be a big girl for sure though. I grew her in a 12L pot before and got 7z. I plan to put her in a 16L, or maybe 14L this time. I fed her to run off yesterday and she’s ate it all up over night. I upped her feed today

Cheers guys :smoking:
Before and after training today. I’m liking jammy dodgers structure so far. I know they ain’t far off from going intoflower so I’ve opened them up pretty good. I’m gonna up their b-52 and give them a second feeding later.

Day 34 Jammy Dodgers (right)
Day 32 Bruce Banner (left)

Before training:

After training

Jammy dodgers close up

Bruce banner close up
Jammy dodgers bounced back already lol


My bad, the post didn’t completely update. I’ve had to train them again. I’ve just done a minor defol on jammy dodgers because her structure is looking good. I might pull her down later and expose more nodes.

Anyway day 35 Jammy Dodgers
I’ve kept the feed pretty much the same. Don’t wanna up their base feed as I’ve noticed some tip burning. Seems like they’ve came out of that anyway, but they’re still a bit small for a higher feed. I’ve upped the b-52 to 1ml per litre though. 1ml grow A/B per litre, 1ml b-52 per litre, and 1.5ml sensizym per litre. Here she is after defol


Day 33 Bruce Banner
This girl has been stubborn in terms of her structure. No matter what I do she just keeps trying to go back to her natural ways. The defoliation should keep her a bit right. She seems to be going into flower earlier than jammy dodgers.


3wok day 9
She’s in much better state than the previous girls were as seedlings. I fixed my ph meter. She’s been getting plantstart and some calmag. She will be due a transplant soon, will dip her roots in b-52 and psycho myco

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Jammy Dodgers Day 36
Gave her a quick defoliation again and fed her. Just gonna let her go over the next few days until Christmas period is over when I get more time. I believe she will produce quite well.


Bruce banner day 34.
She’s still so stubborn. Keeps trying to revert back to a weird structure that I don’t like. Gave her a slight defol too and will tie them down in a few days. Her main top just keeps shooting up despite constant tie downs. I just gotta be as stubborn as her and keep tying the branch down.


3wok day 10.
She is due a base feed and transplant but can’t do this today or tomorrow. She gon have to wait sadly

Merry Christmas everyone :smoking:
Finally managed to transplant 3Wok. She’s been an absolute beauty too until lately. She completely outgrown that seedling bag... bag was too small and she was drying out before I even woke. The coco sort of became loose. That’s my fault I suppose for not completely packing in the coco for those small bags. Lesson learned. I had a lot of people over lately so couldn’t transplant. I’ve stunted her by around three days I think which sucks. She became real loose when I was trying to cut her out the bag. I sprayed her down a bit just to try keep her together. Dusted her in psycho myco, but I don’t believe this stuff works. My roots were far better with DynoMyco. Either way, she’s been transplanted into a 16L and hopefully she recovers. She’s 13 days old, but I reckon the growth would have been great if transplanted sooner. Soon as she got to day 10, she sat stuck trying to grow her current last set of leaves for over three days, and looked unhappy so I knew she needed transplant.

Bruce Banner (left) has started flower. She has already started spewing trichomes over the fan leaves. She’s been in flower two days at most lol. She gon be nice!

Jammy Dodgers (right) ain’t in flower yet. She’s a monster inside, branches everywhere. Small but mighty, still got some veg time left :smoking:


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3wok seedling doing ok. She is showing signs of growth from the yellowing on the top leaves and she’s eventually got her third set grown out. She had stalled on them and looked very unhappy until transplant. I am gonna fertigate her down today. They are all sharing a 240w. My electricity is eating me alive man. Kinda shitting myself to put another light in lol but I’m sure I will.


Bruce Banner on the left, Jammy Dodgers on the right.

I changed their feed from coco grow to coco bloom. I usually use coco bloom all the way through.. I have better success with coco bloom from start to finish. Anyways, I upped their feed to 1.5ml per litre, and 3ml sensizym per litre. I’ve noticed a couple of spots on one or two leaves. I dunno if it’s been from a previous feed and they’ve came out it, or the new feed is still too strong for them. I’ve fed them their second feeding of the same feed and will keep an eye on them for burning or anything. They have put on some more weight and height from their feed yesterday though which is a good sign.

More training today lol... :smoking:

Edit: training done. I gotta buy plant bends next time. Will make this easier and easier on the plants

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No matter what, every day I visit them they have fully bounced back from the previous days training. Real bushy. I cut out b-52 because I know they are transitioning into flower. I believe that was the cause for my old 3Wok hermie. So I’ve just been giving them heavier feeds. Will feed the seedling today. Only three plants this run but hoping I pull at least 5oz each. Will be training again later :nono:

Roots are now expanding outside the bottom of the fabric pots. Which is a good thing.

Sadly I’ve snapped Bruce main stem. Not completely, but taped her with aluminium duct tape. Only tape i had left. I’ve snapped two branches By accident now. She is a nightmare in terms of her bushiness. Fan leaves can get absolutely massive. Hoping she recovers okay. Defo need me some plant bends
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Jammy Dodgers now in flower. She’s around 43 days maybe. They are still stretching a bit and keep filling in the defoliation I do. I’ll defoliate tomorrow. Basically two day rest. Gonna put another light in.

3wok on the left, jammy Dodgers in the middle, Bruce banner on right
