MrAutoGrower Grows - FB Bruce Banner + Mephisto 3Wok

After having some personal stuff to take care of, I’ve finally got these girls on the go. They’re roughly 2-3 days old. One of my bruceys was planted a little lower than I wanted, so she was having issues finding her way up. I managed to help her find her way up and she’s all good.

The only major change to this is that I will be growing Mephistos jammy dodgers instead of 3Wok. I chose her because she had issues last run with mildew, and sadly she stank real good but had to be binned.

Will post pictures of da seedlings tomorrow :smoking:
Here they are!

Brucey #1 is two days behind I believe (she is the one I planted too far)


Brucey #2
She was ready to go from the get-go. Grew a pretty huge tap root very quick compared to the other two girls.


jammy dodgers:


I’ve been intentionally letting them stretch for light because I like to work on their stem strength at a Young age (I have the light dimmed real low). With a gentle breeze blowing on these, their thin baby stalks will get stiffer. Despite them stretching for the light, their stems ain’t bendy and quite trudy.

Been feeding them plant start and started b vitamins yesterday at a low level just to help with stress and fatten their stalks early.

Id have liked to have them in coco perlite but my hydro delayed my delivery because they ran out of the coco perlite mix. I’ve had to start them in pure coco. But they will be transplanted to coco perlite
Still not much to see since they’re still only a week and just under. I wish I had perlite mix for these girls and a ph pen. But my new ph pen won’t be here until next week. Anyways here they are.



Brucey #2 was still stretching for light despite having her under a mars hydro ts1000. I had the light around 30% which was roughly around 300ppfd. I assumed 300 was enough but obviously not... I bumped the light up to 50% which is 75 watts. I also had to top her up with some old perlite mix just to keep her leg stable for a few days. She is still mutated in a way but I assume it was from the hassle of trying to take her seed shell off. She will be all good by next week I’m sure.
I actually went ahead and fed them their base nutrients and I wish I had sooner tbh. I don’t normally start base feeds until they’re around ten days old. But this time I’m glad I did. They have shown a big improvement and they look very perky for the first time. I’d say they’re a little on the smaller side for 7 days old compared to my usual, but my usual are always in coco perlite. (I’m not a fan of just pure coco, holds too much and slows growth compared to with perlite in my opinion). The white stuff on them is diatomaceous earth as a precaution of course. Very excited to see how they will look by week three :smoking:


Day 8 for jammy dodgers, and brucey #2. Day 6 for brucey #1.

Excuse the run off water, I’ve left it there for a day to keep the humidity in check.

Fed at quarter strength for the base nutrients, added under quarter strength sensizym and b-52 vitamins. they were praying an hour later.. they be happy for now :smoking:
Anyone ever grew fastbuds Bruce banner?

I feel like these are growing pretty slow. I mean, I don’t like having them in straight coco because I normally feel the growth is slower. I’ve been fully saturating them to run off every day with quarter strength feeds. Since feeding the base feed I’ve noticed better growth but they are slow for sure. Jammy dodgers was pretty slow my last run also. One thing I did notice is that with Bruce banner there does seem to be a pheno that twists a lot. A lot like my Brucey #2.

Day 10 for jammy dodgers, brucey #2.
Day 8 for brucey #1.

My environment hasn’t been great in terms of humidity lately but I keep bringing it up in case. I’m normally on the third set of leaves by day 10. I did however have to remove their shells manually. I’m almost certain it’s down to canna coco. I’ve never liked that stuff. I prefer different brands with perlite mixed in also. They will be transplanted into Jiffy Pro7 coco/perlite when they’re a little bigger. But I’m usually ready to transplant by now...

Day 12 for Jammy Dodgers & Bruce Banner #2

Day 10 for Bruce Banner #1

I’ve still been giving them quarter strength feeds. Today I managed to pick up some “psycho myco”. I always like to add mycorrhizae before I pot up, but couldn’t this time around.

So they’ve had 0.3ml per litre of Advanced Nutrients Grow, 0.2ml b-52 (to help with stress), 0.2ml of sensizym to roots clean, and a dash of psycho myco into the feed solution until I transplants tomorrow or the next day.


As you can see, the twisted bruce banner #2 is still being weird. Tiny leaves but she’s working on her third set now. Her ph and ec run off has been fine, so i am putting it down to genetics with her. I’m sure she’s mutated. I read several users on the internet have had a weird issue with the same genetics. Anyway I will be letting her grow out.
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Had to transplant jammy dodgers and brucey #1. Brucey is 10 days old, earlier than I’d like but I won’t be able to get the time tomorrow to transplant.

I’ve noticed the seedlings aren’t drinking much water. I don’t know if it relates to the drainage in my solo cups (I have like 5 screwdriver holes). But they seem to hold onto water quite a bit. I noticed the mutated brucey #2 is still being weird and holds more water than the rest. People say you can’t over water in coco, but I reckon you can give them too much water in plain coco and it will hold onto it more. Anyways lesson learned.

The girls I transplanted didn’t have the greatest root system. I will put it down to “over watering”. Next time I run seedlings I’m just doing them in a light soil then transplanting to coco/perlite.

I’ve covered their roots in psyco myco and the pot up hole in hopes to get their roots going stronger. I always transplant around 3 leaf sets but fuck it. Roots were crystal white from sensizym but also dangly, no root ball formed yet. I like a lil root bound.

Jammy dodgers day 13.

Brucey #1 (day 11)

Brucey #2 (day 13)
She is still tiny man. Don’t know exactly whats going on with her but I ain’t feeding her today. Holding too much water for my liking so I’m gonna let her dry out. If She takes a fit ill prob bin her

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Chances are that I will chuck the twisted seedling. Anyway, I rushed into this grow because I’ve had a lot of personal stuff going on. Kinda wish I never!

So I’ve had them in solo cups originally and poked 4 smallish holes at the bottom. Now when I did this, I considered if the holes were good enough for draining. I’ve checked the twisted girls roots and they’re soaked at the bottom. Water does drain out when fertigating but today I’ve noticed that the holes weren’t good enough. I’ve cut more wider gaps in the cup like I used to do, and sat her on something on a heater to try and dry her medium up at the bottom since it was soaked and holding excess water above the holes of the solo cup.

I may chuck, I may not. It’s been a while since my last grow.

Original holes that aren’t good enough drainage:

New holes:

Plant size:

She ain’t healthy at all because of the excess water holding. What do you think guys? Keep her going or a waste of time. She is 14 days and tiny compared to my usual at this age :crying: