MrAutoGrower Grows - FB Bruce Banner + Mephisto 3Wok

Chances are that I will chuck the twisted seedling. Anyway, I rushed into this grow because I’ve had a lot of personal stuff going on. Kinda wish I never!

So I’ve had them in solo cups originally and poked 4 smallish holes at the bottom. Now when I did this, I considered if the holes were good enough for draining. I’ve checked the twisted girls roots and they’re soaked at the bottom. Water does drain out when fertigating but today I’ve noticed that the holes weren’t good enough. I’ve cut more wider gaps in the cup like I used to do, and sat her on something on a heater to try and dry her medium up at the bottom since it was soaked and holding excess water above the holes of the solo cup.

I may chuck, I may not. It’s been a while since my last grow.

Original holes that aren’t good enough drainage:
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New holes:
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Plant size:
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She ain’t healthy at all because of the excess water holding. What do you think guys? Keep her going or a waste of time. She is 14 days and tiny compared to my usual at this age :crying:
Some people would keep it but I personally would start over. You'll loose a little over two weeks but the chance of you wasting more time on a plant that might not even produce as well is enough for me. Weak plants don't last in my tent. :tang:
Some people would keep it but I personally would start over. You'll loose a little over two weeks but the chance of you wasting more time on a plant that might not even produce as well is enough for me. Weak plants don't last in my tent. :tang:

I think I will see how she goes over the next few days. No matter what, I know she will pull through. But I may keep her and repot her into a 8L pot maybe, and start another seed with the 16L pot
I weighed the twisted weird seedling yesterday and she weighed 367g. Today she weighs roughly 352g. She just isn’t drinking. I’ve left her without feed to try and dry her out but she is getting worse. There is more root development, but the fact she just isn’t drinking much despite being 14 days old, leaves me with no choice but to bin her. I feel like she may be “dampening off” which has never happened to me. I did put her in coco that I had in a bag for over a year. Rough start! Purchasing some voodoo juice today and will think on what I’d like to pop next... bye Brucey#2


Here is my other two girls. Still squat because they were in the same coco as the other Brucey. Anyways, I believe I ran a few litres of water/nutrients through the coco before transplant. The bags are still real heavy at the bottom despite being more dry towards the top. I am going to leave them to drink more of it before feeding again similar to a dry cycle.. just not feeding every day until they finish what they got then I will increase fertigation. I don’t normally do this and just feed to run off every day but after these issues I am going to try this out.

Here they are at 15 days (small but I’ll let them ride).


So baby Brucey #2 got the bin. She just isn’t worth the time, energy and money sadly. Her roots just sucked. I have a few theories as to why, but hey ho.

As I’m in the UK, our main shipping/postal service is on major strike. So it has me wondering how long I’d have to wait for another seed pack to arrive. I wanna do Tropicana cookies auto but just not sure if the seeds will arrive. Don’t know of any seed bank in the UK that will use a third party postal service. If any you UK lads know, please comment below.

I have another Bruce banner seed here, and Mephisto 3Wok. I could pop either of them but very undecided right now. I have a pretty good strategy for my next seedlings that I cannot wait to try out. I like to experiment every grow to see what I can learn and what not to do and so on.


Anyways, day 16 for jammy dodgers, day 14 for Brucey #1. I’ve left them three days without a fresh feed. I know everyone says feed to run off every time, but I like to go against the rules. These plants are small and obviously suffered in seedling stage a little. So I want the girls to use the feed they’re sat in from three days ago before I feed again. I want them to search for water every time pretty much to get those roots going.
Found fungus gnat adults flying around. Only one or two. They must have came from one of the cocos I used, or from that Brucey #2 that twisted from holding water in the cup not draining properly. Off to a real bad start this time. But now I know why she wasn’t drinking lol.

Does anyone have any good suggestions for killing these little annoying bastards off real quick? I don’t feel comfortable with hydrogen peroxide and water. I seen a product called nillnat, which is supposed to be organic an works even through flower. I may purchase this and hope it does the trick. Probably the reason why these girls have been growing slow. I’ve been letting the coco try and dry out as much as I can to keep these bastards at bay. Applied more diatomacious earth but the chances are the moisture from the coco will make it less effective.


Found fungus gnat adults flying around. Only one or two. They must have came from one of the cocos I used, or from that Brucey #2 that twisted from holding water in the cup not draining properly. Off to a real bad start this time. But now I know why she wasn’t drinking lol.

Does anyone have any good suggestions for killing these little annoying bastards off real quick? I don’t feel comfortable with hydrogen peroxide and water. I seen a product called nillnat, which is supposed to be organic an works even through flower. I may purchase this and hope it does the trick. Probably the reason why these girls have been growing slow. I’ve been letting the coco try and dry out as much as I can to keep these bastards at bay. Applied more diatomacious earth but the chances are the moisture from the coco will make it less effective.


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I ended up with a few fungus gnats flying around for most of my grows. If you just put a few preventatives in that's all it will ever end up being, just a few. Best practice is just letting the topsoil dry out so they die but you already know that.

You have to deal with all their life stages to eradicate them completely. I find that yellow sticky strips and a fan blowing over the soil kills of any adults or younger ones. Nematodes will make quick work of the larve, eggs and pupa so that will kill off the rest. The plants love em too. After about a week of that they should all be gone.

I've also heard UV helps control bugs but I don't have enough experience or knowledge to really speak on it. Although by some coincidence I only use UV and the sticky traps now and I only ever see a few. Hope all the helps! I hate those damn things.
I ended up with a few fungus gnats flying around for most of my grows. If you just put a few preventatives in that's all it will ever end up being, just a few. Best practice is just letting the topsoil dry out so they die but you already know that.

You have to deal with all their life stages to eradicate them completely. I find that yellow sticky strips and a fan blowing over the soil kills of any adults or younger ones. Nematodes will make quick work of the larve, eggs and pupa so that will kill off the rest. The plants love em too. After about a week of that they should all be gone.

I've also heard UV helps control bugs but I don't have enough experience or knowledge to really speak on it. Although by some coincidence I only use UV and the sticky traps now and I only ever see a few. Hope all the helps! I hate those damn things.
I have physical traps set up. I’ve only seen three adult flies in total and killed them off. Diatom to slice n dice on the top coco, and I will buy the sticky traps. From there I need something to drench the coco in for larve. I’ll maybe just go with the hydrogen peroxide and water, but with my ph meter being whacky right now I don’t wanna risk it. I’ll keep digging to try and find an organic working soil drench. If not then peroxide it is haha :( thanks bro
I have physical traps set up. I’ve only seen three adult flies in total and killed them off. Diatom to slice n dice on the top coco, and I will buy the sticky traps. From there I need something to drench the coco in for larve. I’ll maybe just go with the hydrogen peroxide and water, but with my ph meter being whacky right now I don’t wanna risk it. I’ll keep digging to try and find an organic working soil drench. If not then peroxide it is haha :( thanks bro
Oh yeah man I wouldnt worry too much. I usually see one or two each time I water. Unless you have an infestation the plants won't even notice. The DE will work well in between waterings. And no problem! I've had good luck with naturesgoodguys brand nematodes, it's organic so it won't bother your coco. I've also heard mosquito bits works as well but I'm not sure if it's organic. If you're not worried about the microbes or any of that I'd just do the hydrogen peroxide route. I personally like dutch masters gold zone but looks like I snagged the last bottle before they went out of business.
Jammy Dodgers - day 18 (she’s on the right)
Bruce Banner - day 16 (she on the left)


Gave these two their first feed in days. Yeah I know I’m a naughty boy.. but it was for reason since the start of this grow has went to shit. I will start a 3Wok OG on good terms and she will exceed these two girls no doubt in my mind.

They are now finally starting to spread outwards towards the ends of the pot. Once they do, I’ll begin feeding to run off. I know people say feed to run off every day and so on, but I haven’t been this time since they were growing slow. I have fed them 1ml/L sensi coco grow, 0.5ml/L b-52, and 2ml/L sensizym to keep the salt levels down before I can feed to run off. Fed them a litre each around the edges of the pot to try and force the roots to fill out the edges.
First form of training done on brucey. Day 17 for her. After this I’ll leave updates to once a week. I like to post here to also keep track of my Grows because I can look back and see where I went wrong and so on. Anyways, trust a simple leaf tuck will make all the difference. One leaf tuck exposed the side branches nicely. I suspect I will be able to tuck jammy Dodgers tomorrow then start low stress training by next week.

Pic without leaf tuck and the difference it makes in terms of exposing those small side branches to light. Simple and effective. Samsung camera has a more yellow tinge to it but they are quite green. Can defo do with some more nitrogen for sure but will start gobbling up the nitrogen over the next few days since I added more of it from my last feed



Day 19 jammy dodgers
