Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

Man I’m happy to ramble here most of the time. I assume MOST of us keep our hobby and interests a secret, therefore we don’t get to talk about it as much as we would like. I like to ramble here for that reason, I get to share information, learn, and talk to my gromies. I noticed other forums are full of negative Nancy’s, always downgrading each other and so on. AFN is the place to be, and I’ve had the pleasure of conversating with many cool peeps here and learning from them :smoking:

I'm in a legal state, and still keep it mostly a secret other than a few close friends. Never really understood why most canna related stuff brings out so many negative people. I recently deleted my Reddit account due to it just being a drag and I really didn't make many comments.
Fastbuds banana purple punch - day 49 (day 9 of flower)

This girl keeps trucking along nicely. I’ve fed her b-52 today by accident (not due to week 3 - so I hope she don’t hermie as this can be responsible for hermies). It’s a bitch keeping up with multiple plants feeds as they’re on different timelines of life

Anyways here she is
So my assumption about the strawberry nuggets having too much nitrogen in her pot a week or so back was correct. Even though people said she was healthy, I knew she was going down this route. I’ve dealt with too much nitrogen being left in pots like four times now, so I can see it happening pretty much a while in advance. She eventually started spotting. This is the first time this has happened to me in coco. I’m assuming it’s because I upped her feed and she was leaving stuff she didn’t want and it then turned to salts. Ppm run off yesterday was 668ppms. Too high for my liking. I ran about 6-7L of nutrient feed through her today until the ppms dropped to 488. That’s the beauty of coco :smoking:

Here she is. Hoping that’s enough to kick start her back into taking up the right nutrients.


Chopped more of purple nuggets and threw the rest in the bin with the pot. Underdone buds and she’s well past her time so into the bin along with jammy dodgers which sucks ass. Hoping my other two girls finish properly and without mold and so on. Jammy dodgers had mildew.


Fastbuds tester banana purple punch. Looking at around 7-8 weeks until she finishes.


Strawberry nuggets had too much nitrogen in the pot. But I’ve managed to get her down to 411 ppms in the run off so hoping she finishes up properly. She has about 3-4 week left I think. 6 week into flower


Strawberry nuggets coming on nicely. Can’t get a great picture to show off her colours properly but there is lots of purples, reds/pinks coming through and she’s a frost mansion so far. She’s around 42 days into her flower cycle and did have a build up for around a week but I think I got her out of it.
Strawberry nuggets is done at 94 days. She was supposed to finish at 80 days. I’m happy with her finishing at 94. That’s FAIRLY accurate compared to my usual grows. This is pretty early for me for a change! I suppose with each grow I get better and better, so they should naturally finish a tad sooner than what I’m used to.. trichomes are mixed but a shit ton of orange and cbn browns, and milky. Going to flush her a little over the next few days until I get the Time to chop her. Most likely four days from now. Only got fastbuds tester left now :smoking:


Banana purple punch (my only girl left)



70% of strawberry nuggets down. Leaving the rest on it until the current batch dries. Not as dense as her purple nuggets sister but she smells better. Her and my fastbuds tester were transplanted later though so kinda expected. Still fairly dense though and no seeds by the looks of things:smoking:

Strawberry nuggets yield:
94g in total. I did smoke a bit of her so around 97g in total. That was after trimming but I’m gonna trim her down a bit again. Buds are fairly sturdy but some quite airy. Quality looks pretty good though. I did over dry her because I had too much to do yesterday. Busy bee. Would I grow her again? Nope. She looks pretty and all but her structure is a nightmare. I transplanted her much later than I wanted to so I did expect the yield to suffer and so on. I grew her and purple nuggets and low stress trained them. Anyone who does grow these girls I suggest topping instead because they grow fairly short and stack buds hidden away and so on and it can be a nightmare with light penetration or mold. Into the grove bag with her. She was My lowest yielder. Purp nugs were real dense and yielded more but I bint half of her from possible mold. Didn’t want to take anymore risks lol
