MrAutoGrower Grows - FB Bruce Banner + Mephisto 3Wok

Jammy Dodgers now in flower. She’s around 43 days maybe. They are still stretching a bit and keep filling in the defoliation I do. I’ll defoliate tomorrow. Basically two day rest. Gonna put another light in.

3wok on the left, jammy Dodgers in the middle, Bruce banner on right

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That might be your best bet to get some more stretch.
That might be your best bet to get some more stretch.
They would be taller if i didn’t lst constantly bro. I was harsh on them because the last time I grew jammy Dodgers and she’s grew extremely tight nodes and stacked on each other like crazy to the point she moulded over. I had to make sure that I did everything I could to fix up her natural bushy / self closing in structure. I think she will yield me quite well when she finishes. My purple and strawberry nuggets yielded around 4.5-5oz and they were tiny plants
Added a mars hydro ts1000 over the 3Wok seedling at 50%. I need to cut myself a piece of paper later to check PPFD with photon. It’s been a while since I checked light levels. Since feeding earlier, they are stretching upwards still. I don’t expect them to get massive or very tall. I trained constant. Tallest plant i grew was fastbuds runtz. Despite constant training she wasn’t far from 5ft tall. Gonna give the two bigger girls their second feed today. ROots on them are strong so far. Poking out the bottom of the fabric pots

Gave jammy dodgers a heavier defoliation. She has lot of satellite nodes that i want to expose. I have lollipopped both girls a few times but because the canopy is fairly even,I have kept most stuff.

Does anyone have some tips to continue training Bruce banner? I really don’t wanna twisty tie the branches as iv snapped two already and had to tape them up. I don’t have plant bends as hydro store and so on are closed for new year.


Super cropped a couple of jammy dodgers longer stems. I never supercrop but I am happy with her structure.

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I use butcher string (basically twine but not all stingy) and circle the pot a couple times, then I use 12" lengths tied between the branches and the pot. Works great and you can gently tighten each string to adjust as they grow.

I use butcher string (basically twine but not all stingy) and circle the pot a couple times, then I use 12" lengths tied between the branches and the pot. Works great and you can gently tighten each string to adjust as they grow.

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Bruce banner is quite a picky plant. I read on growdiaries multiple diaries for Bruce and most of them had problems. I snapped the main branch by accident, and a side branch. She is quite easily snapped and has many different kind of leaves. I’m kinda paranoid to try and open her up a Bit in case anymore snap. I have metal forks here that I might just slide in and guide the branches away from each other..
My Acid Patch Kids was the same way. I had to train the branches across the plant to the other side of the pot. I did a lot of sucker branch trimming on that one to but she still managed to go vertically by the end. Ended up with airier bud than I hoped for but it's delicious. I try to guide the branches innthe dorection i want more than force them into position. Understandable that its hard not to get anxious when you've already snapped a few.
My Acid Patch Kids was the same way. I had to train the branches across the plant to the other side of the pot. I did a lot of sucker branch trimming on that one to but she still managed to go vertically by the end. Ended up with airier bud than I hoped for but it's delicious. I try to guide the branches innthe dorection i want more than force them into position. Understandable that its hard not to get anxious when you've already snapped a few.
I might just go crazy and super crop her a bunch to make the branches more trainable. It’s moreso her leaf structure. She’s a hybrid and grows many differently leaf types and they get in the way. I haven’t defoliated in a couple of days and she just keeps bushing up. Fastbuds state that she is XXL.. maybe a different pheno or because the seedlings didn’t have the best start. But with fastbuds I notice that they sometimes have several phenos. My other Bruce that I binned was probably the bigger version. Judging by looking at other Bruce banners by fastbuds, most of them look similar to mine. Short and bushy, except most I’ve seen are more closed in and at higher risk of mold. I’ll be feeding them today and checking them out to see what needs done
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Canopy maintained for today. I supercropped a couple of taller Bruce banners stems, defol, and lst.



Noticed yellowing on the colydons of 3Wok. Chances are that her root system broken down in that biodegradable bag. I never packed it down properly. Leaving her without a feed today in case it’s just too much water she’s had lately. Im gonna be building my own DIY seedling setup. I’ve tried different ways to raise seedlings rather than my usual way. I made some fuck ups from experimenting but experience is priceless.

Quite a bit of stunting with this grow from experimenting too much. However, I am certain the coco I bought had fungus gnats in it. I think it’s possible they have been stunting my usual growth. They still seem to Be stretching. Jammy Dodgers isn’t even in a full week of flower yet. Bruce is 8 days into flower and I’ve gave her 1.5ml per litre of bloom feed, 2ml sensizym, and 0.5ml of big bud. My big bud didn’t look in the best condition. Real thick and dodgy. Gave it a good shake. Once I finish using these nutrients I think I’ll change my nutes up and stick with my fav coco (ecothrive).
