New Grower Mephisto Deez Nugs&Forbidden Cookie x Forum. First time Grower in Soil

Hey Sou, maybe so if the leave tips are burnt it could be ferts. Its great they are frosting which is great. I dont know if epsom salts would help. I was told to use it once with i have a S defieicy. I got seeds today from competition it was sent April 4 from Holland, the mail is VERY slow atm No smell, i do hope that also, a wet dry will be good for flower. If there was a root problem, the soil would be smelly at the bottom, i would think. The good is they are frosting up, the bad is the leaves, it may be they just need for calmag.

edit - just saw the latest pics, they dont look as bad i thought they would look, nice to see they are form more bud and frosty since last.
20 Hours Light
1ML Fishmix, 1ML topmax, 2.5ML bloom, 1ML calmag.
Hey little update on these girls Deez nuggs day 55 , FC forum Day 57.(Week 8 from seed.) They are still praying for light all the time, cant dim my quantum board, cant move it any higher,reduced my light from 24 hours to 20 in the hopes that would help but nothing. One of the FC forum seems to love the light though, minimal praying. This week has been a bad week, the calmag arrived and promptly fed but it seems to have got worse maybe the ph imbalance has something to do with it. I have no more money and only some PH down from my last run but that's not organic and would massacre my microherd I imagine:smoking:. I'm gunna see if they can just man it out until the finish. This heat has me stressed out enough never mind them! One of the buds started to sprout out a foxtail literally overnight I cut that straight off and its been 3 days with no more foxtails, I also added an extra fan in there to try bring down/circulate the heat a bit more. It's all going wrong this time lads but I think we can all make it to the finish. Lots more yellowing this week, pulled off a male preflower or two, my my what a week it has been. I'll post some pictures below.
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Sou mate they sure are frosty girls, and i can see they thickening up well. The yellowing isnt as bad as ive seen before. I would say being indoors they would finish up sooner than outdoors. Maybe they are a few weeks off, and the yellowing might be just that. I am not that good with defiencies, but i try to manage them. The heatwave continues there, good idea another fan in these to keep it cooler, the yellowing could be the light or heat
Sou mate they sure are frosty girls, and i can see they thickening up well. The yellowing isnt as bad as ive seen before. I would say being indoors they would finish up sooner than outdoors. Maybe they are a few weeks off, and the yellowing might be just that. I am not that good with defiencies, but i try to manage them. The heatwave continues there, good idea another fan in these to keep it cooler, the yellowing could be the light or heat

I know bud and I can tell you this fattening up happened when I introduced the topmax, seems like great stuff from biobizz. Yes maybe 3 or 4 weeks left I'm thinking but I have no idea where to dry them. Last time I dried my single plant in my tent, no way these are all gunna finish the same time so I cant dry in my tent this time. Thinking about building a cardboard box with a little PC fan circulating air very slowly. My carbon filter is toast, you can smell this dank as soon as you open walk in. Lets hope we get through these last hurdles! Thankfully today it has cooled down and we were blessed with rain, a will be like this for maybe a week or so, thank god

As for the deficiency I think I have an idea of whats what. When I fed them without the calmag and upped my bloom feed, I think this has sent the PH out of whack in the soil, then when I added the calmag and topmax, it sent it out of whack some more, thus the yellowing and limited uptake of food. This is because I'm lazy and haven't used a PH or EC meter once this time. Let's hope it's not just blissful ignorance.
Feel you on the heat! My Room very hot recently too. Looking good though... :thumbsup:

Thanks man. My tent is right behind my bed, so you can imagine how hard has been to sleep these past week:wall: Hope they finish strong. All the best to you bud.
I know bud and I can tell you this fattening up happened when I introduced the topmax, seems like great stuff from biobizz. Yes maybe 3 or 4 weeks left I'm thinking but I have no idea where to dry them. Last time I dried my single plant in my tent, no way these are all gunna finish the same time so I cant dry in my tent this time. Thinking about building a cardboard box with a little PC fan circulating air very slowly. My carbon filter is toast, you can smell this dank as soon as you open walk in. Lets hope we get through these last hurdles! Thankfully today it has cooled down and we were blessed with rain, a will be like this for maybe a week or so, thank god

As for the deficiency I think I have an idea of whats what. When I fed them without the calmag and upped my bloom feed, I think this has sent the PH out of whack in the soil, then when I added the calmag and topmax, it sent it out of whack some more, thus the yellowing and limited uptake of food. This is because I'm lazy and haven't used a PH or EC meter once this time. Let's hope it's not just blissful ignorance.
Hi Sou mate ! Wow, i did have great results with the bio blooom by itself but bio blizz topmax sounds like the best product they have. You could get a cheap kmart rack, what i use and just keep your room dark and dry them that way, not easy when you need the light though, a decent sized cardboard box would be good with a computer fan, sounds like a good idea. The smell will be lovely, least its cooler now and more like the Uk.

Got about 3/4 weeks maybe we can make it. I have never used PH or UC meters before.